Ally Market Prices

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HAV0C, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Harry, T4 came out one year and three days ago, you couldn't get BC players for 18b lol.
  2. Oh my!
    Correction: 1 and a half years ago. I was basing my time estimation on my join date because that was the pricing when I joined but I forgot that I've been playing for quite a bit more than a year ago! Silly me :/
  3. Yea, I joined the game on the day that T4 came out.
  4. Wow! You grew quick, I joined in June or July :)
  5. Didn't grow that fast, two resets, people start started when EBs came out grow much faster.
  6. my alt has hired an ally for 69B. now the hire price is 73B. will my alt get 73B back if the ally is hired?
  7. No you will get around around 70.2b back.
  8. Now Ally prices for min 75k combined stats has risen to 2 to 3b.
  9. Any 2 billion ally which is active and wants to be hired wall me
  10. A good thread, just found it after I've spent the last 3 months making the same list
  11. How did u make the list? I don't really understand ...
  12. 10,000 x Y^#
  13. Whoops,

    10,000 x 1.05^#
  14. Is # number of times hired?