Ally Hire Confirmation Button Please!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by SE---TheBLacKDahLiaMurdeR---SE, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. I agree harley, that would alleviate the volleying issue I believe
  2. A toggle on/off feature in settings.
  3. @Test, the problem isn't the inability to hit buttons, its the fact such a simple mistake costing a player potentially several billions could be easily avoided with such a simple solution. And thanks for the butterfinger btw, can I get a glass of milk too please? I'm thirsty now
  4. This has been suggested countless numbers of times.

    Toggleable in settings. How hard can it be devs???

  5. No support stop being whiners, scroll on left side of screen u apes
  6. Thank you all for your input. I appreciate the support and all your suggestions on how to improve this idea. My intention is to be helpful to everyone without creating a burden regarding ally volleys
  7. [​IMG]
  8. No support, scroll on the left side of the screen
  9. Ahhh! that hit the spot Test :)
  10. No support, scroll on the left side of the page ;) as mentioned in previous threads.
  11. I support this, it would at least save u a misclick when scrolling on "next" on ally market
  12. Yes devs pls!
  13. Support. But. I would only add a botton asking " Are you sure you want to buy from Anrod.
  14. All noobs, please stop asking for this
  15. Support, accident hire also leave those in osw in risk, I did it and cost other player lost 60bil.