
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ROJ__KingCathal_ROJ, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. Who are ronin samurai?
    Neverheard of them...

    "Strip wars" :O lol
  2. I didn't say you had to have heard of them, but we strip warred them recently. They forfeited when we stripped their owner for over 800b lost. And CR, zaft, and skyempire are just a few clans we have warred that are LB
  3. Lol.. *realises my friend is no.1 at KOFTE*
  4. Thump needs to rebuy me he owned Both my accounts a month ago
  5. LMFAO I remember the __SkyEmpire__ party
  6. An anonymous friend of mine kindly pointed out that I forgot kotfes wars with k.o.s, black team, and OutlawZ (OutlawZ was friendly)
  7. And also Chinese Triumph, Troh, and Modern Republic (MR was friendly)
  8. Were you there crayon? Thought you had left already
  9. And VooDoo I believe