
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ROJ__KingCathal_ROJ, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. Id rather not. I don't think anyone would examine "that thing".

    *hi 5!* :D
  2. Itex, check Kotfe track record, we have warred all the big clans.
  3. Just to clear some things up I'm black hand not KoP. I just like to get my strip cash here ;)
  4. That's not much of a challenge coming from a forumer. Kotfe is well respected. 
  5. lol any minds changed hehe
  6. Well respected by whom? Just wondering lol
  7. Hey Tex wanna do a skirmish next weekend 1v1 u n me see who wins
  8. Well shadow, why don't you go back to your main clan and see what they say.
  9. Just like you said, igropebears got his forum friends to agree 
  10. No. I just randomly found this thread. Haven't spoke to grope In 3weeks and haven't been on forums for 2
  11. Still doesn't change the fact, shouldn't be talking smack about other ppl moms. Now that is immature. 
  12. Please define how I am a noob? It would truly be a pleasure to listen.
  13. talking bout iTex
  14. @Bend

    I didn't ask anyone to agree with me, yea the mom comment was immature but that's most of forums. It was one comment and I believe it was quite funny.
  15. How is it immature? I thought you would have gathered by now that grope was joking. Like all mum related jokes, half are true and are rarely not jokes.

    Live a little (for less) have fun. XD I win
  16. KotFE is an eb clan now? Wow that's a new one... Last week we had a strip war against ronin samurai, in august and september against Brotherhood of KaW and rebel strippers, we stripwarred chaos reborn, and many more.
  17. I figured they would understand the concept of a joke, but I guess not.