allies switch in war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _-ROXY-_, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Many ally names aren't easy to spell or remember. 10 pages into a random number.

    Put a freeze on hiring allies when within war, I don't care. But the game should not be halts for your personal war. Same with OSW, if you don't want allies hired, overprice them.
  2. OP- casting Mith to hide your allies still leaves them visible in Allie market, so want does your comment mean? Say u have a 400B Allie and ur in middle of war, and someone buys your Allie. Do you know what a frantic that causes in you being a huge potential leak in war. Ad could cause a loss. We all have alts. So those alts could possibly hire an opposing war mbrs Allie and sway the war. And a few more friends to do the same and it would be devastating.
    Allies need to be locked for 2 good reasons. Bfa abuse, and loss of Allie while in EE war
  3. Agustus if u look at actual ee war clans and their roster changes the few clans would have very very very minimal effect on ally market those wishing to hire during war are one of three :
    1) wanting to give opponent disadvantage of hiring during 60/120 min war
    2)ee member wanting to change their rosters by switching their bfa (again would breast controlled by cap for bfa and ally purchase buy. Just like build modifications or BFE switch)
    3) those wanting an ally and if so that ally would be worth waiting 60/120 mins if under priced
  4. Why should people in EE be protected from something that has been a part of the game since the beginning?

    If you go to war, you understand the possibility that allies get hired. Just because you're participating in an EE doesn't mean you should be shielded from the entire gameplay.

    Yes, having allies hired in war sucks a lot, but it is a war. It has always been this way. I promise if you have some crap ally for 400b I will not hire.
  5. Can u hit someone in ee war?
  6. Then what about adjusting your idea to a block on ally hiring during EE? It works the same. Direct enemies cannot hire your allies, or boost BFA with last minute purchases. Whilst other people can play the game as normal
  7. No, I don't believe they can be. But I hire more allies then I do attack people. 

    I like your idea for the most part by the way, just some minor adjustments
  8. So sad Augutus, sad point made
  9. I said that originally aug. lock ally for war
  10. That would then be my fault for misreading. I thought it meant lock allies for those who are in war, as in lock allies they own.

    I blame the booze
  11. U can't ATK someone in we after ee matchup (viscera they can't either) so that's locked BFE just now being locked so ally of very few clans (under100 put of who knows how many) being locked oh my
  12. *ee war (excuse my mistake pls)
  13. "Why should the ally market be frozen for such a minor battle"?

    Because last time I checked the game was called Kingdoms at War. Not Pimps at the market.
  14. Leti
  15. Look if u buy someones ally b4 war or during war ur most likely gonna get farmed for doing so since over 80% of ppl who do ee wars have a banner that states wait till after war to buy allie so i agree with op / rox
  16. Trading allies has been in game much longer then EEs!
  17. Think they talking about after roster locks i.e clan has been matched
  18. Thx duke