btw ... I'm pretty sure that this idea is another new trick to take away the very last defense of "allies" who get "hired" (wow 1m per hire!!! "huge money" for any allies above 100b!!!) AGAINST THEIR WILL! ... don't worry about allies which get reset by devs ... better worry about "allies" which get reset by their "owners"! ...
At 50b about 1/3 have pro-packs Don't give me that crap of 'not enough actives and pro-packs to go around' Learn how to shop for your allies properly and stop expecting Devs to hand you this game on a silver platter. Noobs these days...
Support to Cynder... There are PLENTY of propack allies and actives to go around.. One more to add to the complaint pile... Lol don't forum about it... EMAIL THE DEVS, and show your displeasure with giving this app the rating it deserves on the App Store :lol: the 100% refund would be abused SO HARD... Think about it for more than a second honestly
I support Cynder as well. I wouldn't, but I could exploit a %100 refund on dev resets. Easily...but I wouldn't do that Isn't that why they don't give a full refund btw?
@cynder, enough with the I'm a badass routine and quit spouting crap out of your mouth. I have never expected the devs to hand me anything on a silver platter. I work for everything I have. This account is almost 3 years old, but I enjoy growing at my pace and have never begged the devs for anything. I call stuff as I see it, and to me an account reset by the devs should be issued a 100% refund. Don't like my thoughts fine you are welcome to say so but quit acting like you are all high and mighty cause your **** stinks just like everyone else's.
And if you bothered to read my first post in here I stated that this has little to no effect on me. I could not care less about the issue as the 70-90bil I've lost is marginal and doesn't truly matter.
If you don't like your owner Ancienne then either attempt to grow and farm them or have a friend farm them/hire you. Don't really suffer from this problem because I stopped ally trading but support, losing nobs doesn't sound like fun.
I agree. I understand all the arguments against it but there shouldn't be a penalty for hiring inactives. It's just so happened to be something we must take into consideration due to the dev resets. Otherwise we wouldn't really bother checking for activity unless you intended on having them bought off you quickly.
Lmao!!! So if I disagree with you I'm trying to be a badass? Yah ok. If you worked hard on your acct for 3 years why would u want newbs to get full refund on crap allies when you only got 60% the whole time? All these easy way out things aren't helping the newer players. It's crippling them and the game. Now if I'm 'high and mighty' cuz I care about the state of the game and call it like it is so be it. You can sit there and be butthurt about it all you want. Doesn't affect me
I dont know whether anyone has said this, but a 100% refund is flawed. For example, say I have 3 accounts, one has just started the other two have 100bil each. The two accoumts can volley the ally so it is worth 110bil (with bonuses ), then when I reset the ally after 24 hours, I will have gained a free 20bil between both the accounts and I can do the same thing every day. One of my allies reset on one of my accounts today and I was really annoyed because of how much I lost, however, I understand why you cant get a 100% refund
@cynder, I too care about the state of the game. I only said what I said after being labeled a "noob" and basically being told I was lazy and want everything given to me. None of which are true, as I'm sure what I said of you is not true. In the end it doesn't affect me either, they reset mine at for partial refund then so be it. I would still like to see it at 100% but either way I will still be here and playing this game.