Allie trading will destroy the kaw.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lll____InT___llll, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. I 100% totally agree I been thinking the same way for a while they ned to stop having profits from ally trading. This will also stop all the ally sale spamming in wc
  2. It will also destroy the game. Ally trading is here to stay.
  3. In theory, there are thousands upon thousands of inactive players.
  4. I believe EBs/Pwars already did that.
  5. My personal thoughts on this:

    1. Ally trading is an integral part of Kaw. I ally trade pretty aggressively, and I'm just under a trillion from HLBC. It's part of how I make money, and it supplements income.

    2. I teach new players in Foxes to do the same thing, just as Foxes have, done since tmh wrote his original guide to buying and owning allies. Could I own just one ally for plunder? Sure. But just like that guide noted, you gain a larger overall bonus (bfa) from owning many smaller allies rather than one large one.

    3. You don't HAVE to trade large allies. The initial post here makes many invalid assumptions. I have all types of allies at all ranges with varying stats. Some are active, some are not, but the fact of the matter is that allies sell based on price and stats, not always based on activity. Even inactive allies will sell as the market inflates.

    Finally, the initial thoughts brought forth by the thread's creator are completely flawed, as I've shown. If I have 50bil in liquid assets, I can choose to buy one ally at 50bil or create variety and turnover in my ally base buy shopping at 10b, 4b, 3b, 2.5b and 1.5b (rough values) giving myself a higher overall bonus than one big ally, keep max plunder, and make money through the market.

    As a previous poster pointed out, there are new players joining daily, and from my own personal experience (having been a noob, and watching them hire off me daily), I can assure you that without proper guidance, they literally will hire anything. ;)

    ~joe_ Order of the Fox
  6. Devs should take away max plunder ...
    Ally market would soar
  7. I've been saying the same thing to friends sense I was LLC.. It's just a matter of time. KaW inflation
  8. I think you got it wrong.... The way to stay ahead in the ally market is to, very simply,
    1) hire a ally of your choice, note who owner was...
    2) steal fb from owner
    3) xtal and repeat step 2. 24x

    See you actually helped by removing gold from the game....
  9. This is just plain idiotic. First to assume that on average people only have one ally is stupid. Second nothing stops anyone from hiring any number of allies back when they are hired away, or saving up money and buying new ones. Third ally trading has always been a part of the game and will not be a factor in it's demise. Nothing is stopping everyone from participating in ally trading and anyone who doesnt participate suffers the loss of their own free will, because ally trading can be the fastest way to make large amounts of gold.
  10. Chaos theory at its finest
  11. inflation is just like the growing of lands. U need too adjust too it. :idea:
  12. IMO, the only part of ally trading that is dangerous, is that of the person not reading the banner of the owner, and the person buying might not like getting hit with a hire back fee... In life we learn that nothing is free, and for those that believe that the ally market is free, well may I suggest the quad white choco mocha @ Starbucks... Might help ya in waking up...=)
  13. I repeatedly reset my iPhone account, as my effort to curb inflation 
  14. Will that end with only top 100 ppl holding 99% of allies? And inactive allies are just keep resetting.
  15. As much as ally trading is essential in kaw it is very true it ruins an aspect of the game with the largest players dominating and over inflating ally trades.
    And due to their position in the game they always will. Many will have to settle for inactive accounts and strips to even up BFA at lower levels.

    The reality is simple. Where kaw went wrong was with the introduction of allies and equipment.
    The best scenario for kaw would of been to have pure build vs build. Once you are Hlbc nothing to aim for?!
    War it's what we build accounts for is it not?

    All the BFA and BFE has done has totally unbalance kaw and unless caps come in on limits ( 250 Hlbc allies plus bonus slots yada yada ) it will stay forever unbalanced.

    For better or worse we deal with what we have. All you can do is make sure where you can buy active and pro pack allies and if needs be be ready to fight for the one you want. Or volley it above the current owners means but if you take hits for it then so be it.
    It's far too late for devs to change the ally system without destroying months / years of players work. Not wise if they want any customers.
  16. Totally disagree with statement that the larger players are upping the price of allies, I for one have stated to many that ask to buy my friends, "who really determines the price of an ally, and who says they have to be a certain price" If I create an alt, and the alt is HLBC and price is 300m, that is my call... This whole "well if the stats are this then the price should be this" is BS... It comes down to, simply another way to make money, you can hit EB's, you can hit other players, or you can buy allies and sell them and make a money... Only disclaimer would be in ally trading you might buy from the wrong person and get whacked, but that goes with my nothing is free in KAW...=)
  17. It's been going for 3years it won't.
  18. You sound like a Marxist.
  19. What happens is that the rich are literally making trillions in sales, driving prices up, making it not worth it for the small players. The small players then have to just buy and sell like the people before them.

    Doesn't limit small players from buying or growing.