Game developed Bots?? Come on guys. Every game like this has bots. Most games create their own bots to add to the masses. I haven't personal played a MMO that's hasn't used bots in some way. Once again Bots inserted by the Developers not cheat bots.
@DMS players thatwar a lot have inactives, so they dont sell and become a leak in wars. Inactives are also good if you dont care about your bfa, or are small. They are plunder allies.
Price is subjective I pay 4 times what I used to pay for a lcbc player. Used to buy them 10-15 bil now it's 30-60.
Around about 1 year ago the most expensive player was 1trillion (Majesty) and all the rest in the top 50 was that price down to 300b. Now the average hlbc player is now 300b easily. I know back then there wasn't high lands but still a lot and I mean a lot of gold has been injected into this game. There isn't a real way of tackling it. You can charge players tax for the ally's they have but who'd want that?
Average HLBC player is closer to 600bil around my price maybe down to 500bil. With HLBC players comes more gold to buy ally's adding more inflation. But the good news is the lower markets under 5 bil are still traded heavily and there is so many new players it stays fresh. So there is always room for all to trade.
Or you can always hire extremely op players like me Some people buy inactives too to bank gold before a war or other.
@21 There USED to be bots, back when there were hardly any people. They would attack back when you hit them. I know of one that still works, actually. It took 8m from me last night
I'm cheap and underpriced. if ppl don't beg on wc or ask for hires they'll stay cheap. I'm 4.5b (?) and 300k stats. Hire me n watch me reset
The count of one ally per player does not hold. This is because there are many, many inactive players who obviously are not hiring allies.
Ally trading will not destroy kaw. That's how kaw operates. I bet the top 5 on lb are penalized so much for allies. All there income is from ally trading but they hit just to maintain battle lb
Strip war fights inflation... Volley transfer does too. Both result in drops and that takes gold out of game.