
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Don't worry dillybar! It means nothing...well...sorta...
  2. New Clan
  3. Stora you forgot tz's alliance! GASP
  4. Angels of light and darkness?
    Achelly: I put it on tgier a long time ago, but TZ came here and said to remove it because...well...I can't remember why....I'm not even sure if I can find it now...let me see if I can find it...
  5. Can't find...I'll put it on the list tomorrow anyway I guess

  6. i camt get on long enough to do a list atm stora. After this weekend I'll be good but not before.
  7. It's ok. I'll do some digging and put together the subclans and groups. K?
    U can do the next list if u want lol!
  8. Did you put the list in the order u think is the strongest??
  9. No, ramdom order except for iG and Fox.for some(unknown) reason I think iG and Fox should always be on the top....
  10. I'll put next list in order of most members chriss
  11. New clan
    new order
  12. Loyalist? Sorta I guess lol...
  13. iG pwns all!!!!!!!
  14. Uh oh a loyalist who makes the alliance thread = bad cake 