
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. New clan!
    Echo of silence
  2. Crim must be working on his list
  3. Gah!

    Had a "family night"! No list tonight. Sawwy 

    ill get one tomorrow
  4. New clan
    angels of light and darkness
    (they may be listed already, I'm not sure)
  5. We were told to leave it off
  6. New clan
  7. Post a roster of all the clans
  8. I don't have the time right now to make a list. Or for the next two weeks.(until march break possibly)
    Really sorry.
    (where's crim?)
  9. Crim was just on.....
  10. I'm here, I'll have one up tonight
  11. Ah well...
    Just to let you kow before hand:
    I won't be on much from march 5th to 7th.
    Tgis is because I'm going on an overnight trip with my class and...
    1.I have an IPod touch
    2.There probably isn't wifi there
    3.I'll probably be too busy to check in(overnight trip with your class is pure FUN)

    so yeah.
    Sorry guys!

    @Crim and Osterly please keep bumping, finding new clans and posting lists while I'm gone. Thankyou.(I'll help when I get back...)

    yeah It's a bit early but I might as well say now.
  12. @Crim thanks

    Sorry. KaW is FUN...but...That's more fun....
  13. New clan/group UAG. UberAwsomeGroup
  14. Make a alliance with that$$$$
  15. Please do not post these kinds of things here. Find a different thread to spam.

  16. *
    not ...
  17. New lists
    "Official" Clans i.e. they have clan chat.
    If the name is different than the name of the group, it is in "( )"
    -HYPER Initiative (HYPER) 
    -Modern Republic
    -The Immortals
    -Partiots (PATRIOTS)
    -The Hollow
    -Knights Templar
    -Army of Anubis
    -Wulf Pack
    -The French Knights
    -The Republic of Heaven (TRoH)
    -The Leagues
    -Knights of the Fire Emblem
    -New Age
    -United Kingdom Clan (UKC)
    -Guild of Farmer
    -Latino Kings
    -Non Bully Network (NBN)
    -German Foxes
    -Strength of Armenia (SoA)
    -KindActiveWarriors (KAW)
    -Assassins Guild
    -Knights of the Republic
    -Kingdom of Cydonia
    -Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty
    -Knights of the Knight
    -Predator Alliance
    -Army of Darkness
    -Untold Legends
    -The Outlawz
    -A Dingo Stole My Baby
    -Samourai Warriors
    -Inferno Dragons
    -Xan’s Clan
    -Knights of Peace
    -Dope Boys
    -The Rangers
    -Echo of Silence
    If I missed your clan, wall me or post here.

    Clans that don't have a clan chat but active.
    -Shadow Ops
    -South Korean Clan

    Eg.subclan nameClan
    -Chaos UniversityCHAOS
    - xXPsYcH0S1S_Pr0T0TyP3SXx
    -FSU listFSU
    -TFK EvolutionThe French Knights
    - New PatriotsPatriots
    -IlluminatiKnights Templars
    -Fire Emblem AcademyKnights of the Fire Emblem
    -Latino Kings SchoolLatino Kings
    If I missed your subclan please let me know

    OSF-Open spy farm: Spy builds that have no defense. This is for attack builds. There is a 5 hit rule.
    ASF-Anti-Spam force:If you attack an OSF more than the limit the ASF will come to get you!
    OAF-Open Attack farm: This is very new, so there may not be any OAF's currently. This is like OSF except it's for spy builds to steal from.


    -Cro's mafia
    -Filipino Mafia
    -GRAAL Online
    -Poontastic Fan Club
    -Disciples of Jesus
    -Hells Gates
    -Becket Fans
    -UberAwesomeGroup (UAG)
    If I missed your group please let me know

    If I made any mistakes, please tell me.