
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. never mind i'll change it
  2. new clan
    TRoH(the republic of heaven)
  3. New lists
    "Official" Clans i.e. they have clan chat.
    If the name is different than the name of the group, it is in "( )"
    -HYPER Initiative (HYPER)
    -Modern Republic
    -The Immortals
    -Partiots (PATRIOTS)
    -The Hollow
    -Knights Templar
    -Army of Anubis
    -Wulf Pack
    -The French Knights
    -The Republic of Heaven (TRoH)
    -The Leagues
    -Knights of the Fire Emblem
    -New Age
    -United Kingdom Clan (UKC)
    -The Illuminati
    -Guild of Farmer
    -Latino Kings
    -Non Bully Network (NBN)
    -German Foxes
    -Strength of Armenia (SoA)
    -KindActiveWarriors (KAW)
    -Assassins Guild
    -Knights of the Republic
    -Kingdom of Cydonia
    -Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty
    -Knights of the Knight
    -Predator Alliance
    If I missed your clan, wall me or post here.

    Clans that don't have a clan chat but active.
    -Shadow Ops
    -South Korean Clan

    Eg.subclan nameClan
    -Chaos UniversityCHAOS
    -FSU listFSU
    -TFK EvolutionThe French Knights
    PatriotsNew Patriots
    If I missed your subclan please let me know

    OSF-Open spy farm: Spy builds that have no defense. This is for attack builds. There is a 5 hit rule.
    ASF-Anti-Spam force:If you attack an OSF more than the limit the ASF will come to get you!
    OAF-Open Attack farm: This is very new, so there may not be any OAF's currently. This is like OSF except it's for spy builds to steal from.


    -Cro's mafia
    -Filipino Mafia
    -GRAAL Online
    -Poontastic Fan Club
    If I missed your group please let me know

    If I made any mistakes, please tell me.
  4. Kawtion has disband
  5. Ok now do it in order of creation
  6. If all of them had threads and the original were still on here I would.
  7. DEAD
  8. U forgot guild of farmer
  9. And "Great Team Farming Organization" or Gtfo for short.......

    No it's not real..... Lol gtfo
  10. @duke.

    Nope it's there
  11. very good crim
  12. Got a subclan backwards, otherwise it's good I think
    Army of Darkness
  14. Sub-Clan

    illuminatiKnights Templar