New lists "Official" Clans i.e. they have clan chat. If the name is different than the name of the group, it is in "( )" -IG -Foxes -HYPER Initiative (HYPER) -KaWtion -xXPsYcH0S1S_3xP3R1M3N7Xx -Modern Republic -The Immortals -Partiots (PATRIOTS) -The Hollow -MoJo -FSU -VooDoo -Vipers -Knights Templar -Gladiaters -Army of Anubis -CHAOS -Wulf Pack -The French Knights -The Republic of Heaven (TRoH) -The Leagues -Knights of the Fire Emblem -MacApple -New Age -United Kingdom Clan (UKC) -Hispanoparlantes -The Illuminati -Guild of Farmer -Latino Kings -Non Bully Network (NBN) -German Foxes -Strength of Armenia (SoA) -KindActiveWarriors (KAW) -Merc -Assassins Guild -Knights of the Republic -Kingdom of Cydonia -Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty -Knights of the Knight -Predator Alliance If I missed your clan, wall me or post here. Clans that don't have a clan chat but active. -Shadow Ops -Skulls -South Korean Clan Subclans Eg.subclan nameClan -Chaos UniversityCHAOS -FoxlingsFoxes -WIGIG -KoLledgeKaWtion -Voo2ooVooDoo -xXPsYcH0S1S_3xP3R1M3N7Xx xXPsYcH0S1S_Pr0T0TyP3SXx -FSU listFSU -TFK EvolutionThe French Knights PatriotsNew Patriots If I missed your subclan please let me know Special OSF ASF OAF OSF-Open spy farm: Spy builds that have no defense. This is for attack builds. There is a 5 hit rule. ASF-Anti-Spam force:If you attack an OSF more than the limit the ASF will come to get you! OAF-Open Attack farm: This is very new, so there may not be any OAF's currently. This is like OSF except it's for spy builds to steal from. Link: OSF/ASF- OAF- Groups -iForumneer -Cro's mafia -Filipino Mafia -GRAAL Online -Poontastic Fan Club -FeAr -WWE If I missed your group please let me know If I made any mistakes, please tell me.