
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. All of these comments greatly help so please post if you see anything wrong (I.e. Dead clans, typos, items in places they shouldn't be)


  2. Thankyou guys I'll fix it later

  3. Bumping
  5. New lists
    "Official" Clans i.e. they have clan chat.
    If the name is different than the name of the group, it is in "( )"
    -HYPER Initiative (HYPER)
    -Modern Republic
    -The Immortals
    -Partiots (PATRIOTS)
    -The Hollow
    -Knights Templar
    -Army of Anubis
    -Wulf Pack
    -The French Knights
    -The Leagues
    -Knights of the Fire Emblem
    -New Age
    -United Kingdom Clan (UKC)
    -Angels of Light and Darkness
    -Latino Kings
    -German Foxes
    -KindActiveWarriors (KAW)
    -Aztec Warriors
    -Kingdom of Cydonia
    -Knights of the Knight
    If I missed your clan please let me know

    Clans that don't have a clan chat but active.
    -Shadow Ops
    -Predator Alliance
    -Pure Spy
    -Rangers of the Mountain
    -South Korean Clan

    Unsure Clans
    Contacted you via wall, get back to me so I can edit your status
    -Riders of Alageasia
    -Quick Queens
    -Confederate Angels
    -Clan of the Angry Birds
    -Poontastic Fan Club

    Eg.subclan nameClan
    -Chaos UniversityCHAOS
    -FSU listFSU
    -TFK EvolutionThe French Knights
    If I missed your subclan please let me know

    OSF-Open spy farm: Spy builds that have no defense. This is for attack builds. There is a 5 hit rule.
    ASF-Anti-Spam force:If you attack an OSF more than the limit the ASF will come to get you!
    OAF-Open Attack farm: This is very new, so there may not be any OAF's currently. This is like OSF except it's for spy builds to steal from.


    -Cro's mafia
    -Filipino Mafia
    -GRAAL Online
    If I missed your group please let me know

    If I made any mistakes, please tell me.

    Zodiac of Freedom Treaty, if you're out there wall me. Couldn't find a thread or owner.
  6. Boom! There it is
  7. Crim, you forgot BOOB clan 
  8. Under orders not to put it up blumpy, sawwy.
  9. What ever happened with boob clan
  10. DEAD
    Confederate Angels
    Riders of Alageasia

    Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty is alive and official.

    Was attacked by a member I found them 
  12. DEAD
    Rangers of the Mountain
  13. Steal farm Deathmonkey!!! No allies/Pots