Ok so I have some time so...I've decided to cut the very active list due to many clams being very active. So I have some extra time so here is a list. New lists ALL CLAN LIST(excludes subclans) -IG -Foxes -HYPER Initiative -KaWtion -xXPsYcH0S1S_3xP3R1M3N7Xx -Modern Republic -The Immortals -Partiots -The Hollow -MoJo -fsu -VooDoo -Vipers -Knights Templar -Army of Anubis -Skulls -Rangers of the Mt. -CHAOS -Wulf Pack -French Knights -The Leagues -Knights of the Fire Emblem -Macapple -Riders of Alageasia -New age -Quick Queens -New world order -UKC -Angels of Light and Darkness -Boston Stranglers -Insane -Russia -Shadow Ops -Hispanoparlantes -Order of the Spartians -Confedrate angels -Latino Kings -Clan of the angry birds -Poontastic fan club -German foxes -S.Korean clan -Predator Alliance -Zodiac of freedom treaty -KAW -Merc -Assassins If I missed your clan please let me know Subclans Eg.subclan nameClan -Chaos UniversityCHAOS -FoxlingsFoxes -WIGIG -KoLledgeKaWtion -Voo2ooVooDoo -FSU list>fsu -TFK Evolution>French knights If I missed your subclan please let me know Special OSF ASF OAF OSF-Open spy farm: Spy builds that have no defense. This is for attack builds. There is a 5 hit rule. ASF-Anti-Spam force:If you attack an OSF more than the limit the ASF will come to get you! OAF-Open Attack farm: This is very new, so there may not be any OAF's currently. This is like OSF except it's for spy builds to steal from. Link: OSF/ASF-http://forum.kingdomsatwar.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4642 OAF-http://forum.kingdomsatwar.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5513 Groups -iForumneer -Cro's mafia -Filipino Mafia -GRAAL Online -FeAr If I missed your group please let me know If i made any mistake please let me know Thankyou! Storallelite
No I haven't yet. It would be great if you could. I have a recital soon and my piano is terrible so I'm going to be VERY busy tomorrow. I might not be on till very late.
Thanks crim. I'm very glad you voloontered to help me here! I would have been able to carry on if you haven't helped! If you need any help please let me know, I'll help you as much as I can Storallelite