
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. New clan: cheesegrater clan
  2. New clan
    knights of the fire emblem
  3. @blumpy Gosh...I really need to hire a merc now...
  4. I'm serious. Do you want me to bump the thread for you?
  5. The Cheesegreater Clan is Real Stora
  6. New clan: the corner pocket clan.

    Here's their thread

    Stop slacking off and making me do all the work 
  7. Do you mind bumping that corner pocket clan thanks.
    And that cheeseburger clan is a total joke. Its says just to post ramdom stuff on the thread. I'm not going to add it. :|
  8. I just gave you a frickin link lol. Plus, boomboom and I just bumped it.
  9. one problem.
    I can't find the section its in.
    yes i wear glasses
  10. If it's bumped just look at active can you not know that when you've played long enough for Corinthian to post on this thread?
  11. It's in questions/feedback btw
  12. I know...
    It was in questions and feeback, I never check that topic. I barely notice it, for me that topic doesn't exist...most of the time
  13. Ill be making a new list tomorrow.
    If that clan is still alive I'll add it
  14. Modern Republic revived! 
  15. Modern republic has been alive forever blumpy!!! Well not quite forever but a long time..
  16. -shakes head-
    the boy who cryed wolf....