
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Active list will be posted tonight
  2. New clan
    Note:This is not a resurrection(as far as I know)
  3. Clan name change
    Lightning strikersThe Skullers
  4.  so there is a new clan with the same name as a dead one?
  5. Hells angels I thought weren't actually dead didn't they join up with voodoo?
  6. @lucius yes, as far as i know

    Sorry, i have just noticed something wrong with my all clan list.
    i'm not sure if it's just on the computer or if i'm messed the list up badly....please be patient while i sort this out.(i will be doing a lot of editing)
  7. Ok...nothing is wrong...looks like I have problems while reading from my computer
  8. Tnx Stora. Keep the thread up!
  9. thankyou!
    ok, list has been edited...
    groups added:

    clans added:
  10. also added:
    The skullers
  11. all clan list>pg.111
  12. very active
  13. Clan name change
  14. Hi Stor- great job

    But I think OSF/ASF needs to be classified as a group instead of a clan- members are in different clans( or none) and join together to provide a special service to help all of KAW. A clan tag suggests they can't be part of it if they are already in a clan.
  15. Ok thankyou for your feedback, i will consider that. But I may just make a new section called farms/protectors.
    In this catagory there will be OSF, ASF and NUF.
  16. New clan