
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. New clan(farm)
  2. Lol, my own section
  3. I probably going to give you your own section
  4. NEW LIST
    ALL CLAN LIST(excludes subclans)
    -The immortals
    -United Pwning Service
    -The Hollow
    -Modern Republic
    -Army Of Anubis
    -Latino Kings
    -Knights Templar
    -French Knights
    -Legendary Warriors
    -Deadly Ghosts
    -Aztec Warriors
    -Lucky Team
    -Ice Queen clan
    -The Darkness
    -The Skullers
    -Mushroom men()
    -Draco DragonX()
    -Demonia alliance()
    -S.Korean clan()
    -Pokemon Clan()
    -Sand Raiders()
    Clans with () need a confirmation or they will not be on the next list! You must confirm dead or alive!(dead of couse will not be on the next list)

    NUF-Nightly unlimited farm
    OSF-Open spy farm or is it open secret farm?(PLMK!)
    ASFAnit-spam force
    As you know, OSF and ASF work together. OSF is a farm where you can only hit a centain amount if times per day.
    NUF is a spy build that has no defense or attack that is open each night (at certain periods of time) with a certain amount of gold laid out. You can attack as much as you like during that time period. Please note you can only attack at a certain periods of time! Refer to the thread for times!
    If you farm a NUF when not allowed to then you will be punished(idk how)
    To learn more about NUF refer to the thread. There is a link on a page in this thread.

    eg.subclan nameclan name
    -CHAOS UniversityCHAOS

    -Filipino Mafia

    If I missed your clan/subclan/group please let me know ASAP here or via wall!

    If i made ANY mistake please let me jnow ASAP here or via wall!

    If i put a dead clan/subclan/group on any list please let me know ASAP here or via wall!

  5. Link to NUF page on page 110!
  6. Can a strong alliance hire me hercuels please
  7. @Hercules you may have to post on a clan thread but I don't mind to much advertising here. Anyway...I think a fair amount of ppl read this thread...
  8. Can a strong alliance hire me plz? 
  9. Sigh....
    @blumpy Maybe hiring a merc to hit you a bit might keep u quiet?

  10. Hire LW. I heard they're really good. Got TB pinned in less than 5 minutes.
  11. You want to get pinned? I think I have enough gold...
  12. @blumpy wait a sec...I don't.....
  13. New group
  14. Where the iForumneer? Were listed under groups.

  15. Opps...I....forgot...I'll edit the list tomorrow...
  16. .


    Just kiddin.