
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. I'll make a new list tomorrow!
  2. The darknessAlive
  3. Huh?
    What does bs mean?
  4. the darkness
  5. Bs means ********.
  6. the darkness
  8. New clan
  9. New clan
  10. So, would NUF be in any section on here?
  11. Not lisining to you blumpy!
  12. Pardon me but what is NUF?
  13. I don't feel like explaining, it's sorta like osf but better, read my thread on it
  14. Nightly Unlimited Farm. It is the same as OSF and ASF, but it allows unlimited farms for a period of time. Super-ghost started it and xioxas joined, but SG quit so xioxas is the only one running it.
  15. Thanks blumpy
  16. Np :D water dragon revived!