
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Spooky ghostsDeadly ghosts
  2. United kingdom clan you forgot

    Or is that dead?
  3. UKC stands for united kingdom clan
    I left it out my from last list...
    Sorry I might not be able to make a list tonight...I can't get hold of a pen and paper...
  4. I guess I will....let's see if I can get paper and pen...
  5. NEW LIST
    All clan list(excludes subclans)
    -Modern Republic
    -Army of Anubis
    -Deadly Ghosts
    -The Immortals
    -The Hollow
    -French Knights
    -United Kingdom Clan
    -Knights Templar
    -Felonious Monks
    -Forum Surfers
    -Ice Queen clan()
    Clans with () need a confirmation or will be excluded from next list!!!(of couse clans confirmed dead will not be on the list)

    eg.subclan nameClan name
    -Chaos UniversityCHAOS
    Please let me know is Eclipse is alive! Thankyou!

    -Filipino Mafia
    -The godfather()
    Please let me know if the godfather is alive!!! Thankyou!

    If i MISSED your clan please let me know ASAP here or via wall!!!

    If i made any mistake please let me know here or via wall!!!

  6. The god father was more of a street thug so yeah its dead
  7. Eclipse is dead
  8. Directory
    -UEDUnited Earth Directorate
    -QQQuick Queens
    -MRModern Republic
    -OSFOpen Secret farm*
    -WIGWannabe IGangsters
    Those are all I know, I'm not sure if OSF is correct...
  9. Thankyou masterofail and Kyle
  10. Osf mean. Open spy farm if I'm not wrong
  11. ASF is antispam farmer
  12. I mean AntiSpam Force
  13. You forgot IA
  14. Stora its open spy farm
  15. This shuold be in the active threads page 
  16. Directory(continued)
    OSFOpen spy farm
    ASFAntiSpam Force