
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Stora, is the list in some kind of order?
  2. @lucius no, this list is random order.
    Except for IG and Foxes....i usually put them near the top because they are distinct clans
  3. Opps...
  4. Ok, tnx. Keep up the good work.
  5. Your welcome.
  6. It's "you're welcome", not "your welcome". Due to that grammatical mistake, you lose the game :D
  7. 
    -run at blumpy with a big hammer-
  8. 

  9. New clan
    The godfather
  10. stora u forgot to post Resistance on the list/ :evil: :evil:
  11. Yeah sorry...I thought u guys
    were dead
  12. Godfather isn't a clan. It's just a group that was hastily formed to find people to fight according to the thread.
  14. Ok thankyou blumpy

    the godfatherGroup
  15. Grrrr bayboy.....
  16. New clan
    The immortals