
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Yup....
    i won't be able to post a list tonight because I'm very busy this evening. Sorry!
  2. Stor have u posted new mystery yet?
  3. Just posted a short part...I'll try to post a little more if I can but lists take very long...
  4. Stor, OSF and ASF is very active, clan symbol is  and we have more than 7 members. You can check our thread
  5. Lol Roma was dead fast!
  6. I'm very sorry, I'll make a new list tonight promise...I'll be very busy this year because I have to choose high schools and stuff....
    @Kingofkrunk ok, I'll ad OSF and ASF
  7. @ultimate thankyou
  8. Burp
  9. NEW LISTS
    ALL CLAN LIST(excludes subclans)
    -Spooky Ghosts
    -Modern Republic
    -Felonious Monks
    -Latino Kings
    -Army of Anubis
    -The Hollow
    -French knights
    -Knights Templar
    -Aztec Warriors
    -Stoners clan
    -Forum Surfers
    -Ice Queen Clan
    Clans with () need a confirmation!!(Clans confirmed dead will be not on the list)

    -IA Training campIA
    -CHAOS UniversityCHAOS

    Filipino Mafia

    IF i missed your clan/subclan/group please let me know ASAP here or via wall!

    If I made any type of mistake please let me know here or via
    wall ASAP!

  10. I.a Training camp is dead it's just the main clan now
  11. Ok thankyou fangon
  12. New clan
    Sunrise clan
  13. Please note
    If im not able to list your new clan here in 24 since main thread went up then you may list your new clan here yourself.
  14. New group
  15. Opps...
    24 hours*