thats all... @blumpy sorry, I'm in a foul mood...I woke up early, went to a training class(IMac), shopped for shoes, shopped for keyboard.... Now I'm at home, eating donuts... And I just dicovered I have lots of clan threads to read tonight... NO! There will not be a new clan list tonight!!! YES! There will be a new list tonight!!! I'll think about it....maybe there will be a new list, maybe there won't... Either way....the and are raging battle right now in my head..... So I'll think about it...
NEW LISTS ALL CLAN LIST(excludes subclans) -IG -Foxes -Modern Republic -WCV(temporary) -French knights -CHAOS -Underworld -The Hollow -Destroyers -IA -VooDoo -Felonious Monks -Knights Templar -AZTEC WARRIORS -Midnight -Flames -Legends Guild -Latino Kings -Forum Surfers(almost dead) - clan (may have changed name to clan) -Live4Death -FSU -QQ -Merc -Assassins -Ninja clan(Starting soon/not alive yet) Subclans eg.subclan nameClan name -IA Training campIA -WIGIG -CHAOS UniversityCHAOS -EclipseMidnight -Shadow mercs*(may be dead)Midnight (* means second subclan) Groups -Filipino Mafia If i missed your clan please let me know here or via wall!!! If I put a dead clan/subclan/group on the lists please let me know here or via wall! If i made any mistake please let me know here or via wall!!! Thankyou!