
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. New clans
    Vikings(might have always been alive)
    killer devils
  2. Felonious monksAlive

    new list tonight
  3.  Great job stora 
  4. Hells angels and VooDoo have merged
  5. Happy new year to u all!!!!
  6. Happy new year croluxian!
  7. 4 months of clan lists stora!
  8. WHAT?! 4 months?!?!?!
    its a miracle I'm not mad yet!!!

    Wait a second....

    I AM MAD!
  9. Yeah, I putting up a new list tonight
  10. You realized it only in this second? i knew it from the begining
  11. I never knew....
  12. Bumped with .

  13. New lists
    ALIVE CLANS(excludes subclans)
    Modern Republic
    Ancient Labyrinth
    Legends Guild
    Latino Kings
    French knights
    Ice wolves
    Felonious Monks
    Forum Surfers()
    Killer devils(may be dead)
    Clans with () must have a confirmation or will be excluded from next list!(of course it will be excluded if it is confirmed dead)

    Eg.Subclan nameClan name
    Little devilsArmageddon
    IA Training campIA
    CHAOS UniversityCHAOS

    Filipino Mafia

    If i missed your clan/subclan/group please let me know! Here on this thread or via wall!

    Please note!
    Hells angels and VooDoo have merged
    I believe vikings have merged as well(needs confirmation)

    Happy new year!!!
  14. HA, voodoo, and Vikings have officially merged
  15. Ancient Labyrinth died I think.
  16. Opps...just checked thier thread...thx blumpy!

    Ancient labyrinth
  17. Armageddon is dead
  18. No, Codex is still leading Armageddon. Vikings and Hells Angels merged with voodoo.