Sorry can't make a list tonight...I'm very busy this week in fact...I'll try too..but mostlikely not...I might ask someone to help this week IF I CANT POST THIS WEEK...otherwise I'll try to keep posting sorry! No lists tonight
NEW LISTS(yes Santa is here) ALL CLANS ALIVE -Elven alliance -Destroyers -Foxes -IG -Modern Republic -Midnight -IA -IA Training camp -QQ -Wulf pack -Hells angels -French knights -CHAOS -CHAOS University -Merc -Assassins -WIG -Felonious monks -AZTECS -FSU -Lightningthief shadowblades -Spartran army -Ultra marines -Vikings(???) -Saints -Forum surfers -Death fires -Elemental Godz -STORMFONT(???) -Transfat -The rollers(???) IF i missed your clan let me know IF i put a dead clan here let me know thankyou (Active list coming ASAP)
ACTIVE LIST the sign of the clan is beside clan name as requestes List(some clans do not have signs) Elven alliance Destroyers Foxes IG Modern republic Midnight IA IA Training camp QQ Hells angels French knights CHAOS CHAOS University Merc Assassins WIG Felonious monks Forum surfers i think thats everyone if i missed your clan thats VERY active and u want it on the list please do this: -Claim that your clan is very active and back up your claim. To back up your claim: either find evidence that your clan is active(eg. Clan thread: tell me where it is) OR get 3 people to back up your claim NOTE this is ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHOSE CLANS ARENT ON THE LIST if your clan is there then u r fine, don't do the above thankyou!!!
Fsu is but we don't speak on kingdoms our palingro group is extremely active so no one can back that up but a clan member but I'll give u 3 any way Cidhighwind Lucius Ciris