New lists tonight once everything has settled a don't worry about not understanding the last posts...
Wow stora great info, i can never keep clans staight so thank for providing info! Next time u creat active list could u provide clans logo? Like this: IG fox chaos QQ Elven Alliance High Elves patriots so on and so on? I went by memory, so sorry leaders if i did not get ur clans sign exactly right.
NEW LISTS ALL CLANS ALIVE -Elven alliance -Destroyers -Foxes -IG -Modern Republic -Blue dragons(???) -Midnight -IA -IA Training camp -QQ -Wulf pack -Hells angels -French knights -CHAOS -CHAOS University -United kingdoms(???) -Merc clan -Assassins -WIG -Felonious monks -AZTECS -Why so serious -FSU -CRE -Lightningthief shadowblades -High elves -Spartran army -Ultra marines -Vikings -Saints -Forum surfers -VxFalcons -Satans guard -Death fires -The rollers(???) if I missed your clan let me know, If I put a dead clan here let me know Active list coming soon