
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Added:
    (Legends/Legacy/etc. group)
  2. Current list: Page 249
  3. Oops, my bad, 250
  4. Hmmmmm....... I think your guess was much more accurate
  5. Inf@m0us_Inc is great!!!!!
  6. Crim can't u make your own thread like this ?
  7. Crim, storallelite, and I used to run this thread. Now it's mostly sholron.
  8. I could. But there are two things:

    1) I promised stora I wouldn't make another thread
    2) Sholron is doing a great job and if he ever needs any help I'll be here.
  9. New clan anceint Athens
  10. I want this on the next page...
  11. KaW has officially made it to 300 total clans!!! By my calculations, this honor goes to...

  12. Wow...that was an epic fail...forgot the "0" on the size...

  13. No major updates yet, only 2 more clans from the last list.
  14. Bump! And some info on this next update:
    1) Every clan was searched and had their info page taken as a screenshot.
    2) Approx. 10 clans were removed from the list entirely
    3) A few (2) clans were added
    4) Re-arranged some clans that were listed as main clans, when they were in fact sub-clans.
    5) Added the "Dead Clan" list. This list is composed of all clans that were once "official", but were completely disbanded.
    6) Added a side note concerning which clans were still "official", but either inactive or closed for the moment.
    7) Compiled a list of the clans for hire, i.e. mercenary clans, for easy access.

    This update will be posted shortly.
  15. Yay 'merc' list lol. I know 4 clans