
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Thanks Chad for link.
    Thanks sholron for keeping things updated.
  2. Stora
  3. The Crazy White Boys(CWB) sub-clan is up--but you spelt it wrong, stupid touch keyboard I'm guessing.

  4. Legion of hellfire ~ hellfire academy
  5. Kk, thanks Osterly
  6. I'll update later today
  7. New Subclan(of sorts):
    Order of the Ninjas
    sublan of The Order of the Assassins
  8. New alliance: Guardians of Fate (NOW OFFICIAL) :mrgreen:
  9. Ok...for history purposes I'm going through this entire thread and compiling a list of EVERY clan in KaW history. I just hit December 1st, and am on page 38...
  10. Holy...have fun with that Shol...
  11. My number for all the clans in the history of KaW is.......

    A lot
  12. Oh ratz *snaps fingers* one sec
  13. We were nvr included

    Guardians of Fate / GoF
  14. Sometime today I'll post my Historic Clan list on here. Still incomplete ATM though.
  15. Ok, here's my first compilation of all the clans of KaW througout its history. The first date after it's name indicates the day it was first noted, the second when it died. Asterisks * indicate that it was noted and considered dead Oct 17th. This was the first day of record. This is the Oct-Nov list, will be edited and added to accordingly as more data is obtained. If it has only 1 date, it is either A) still alive B) the death date of the clan is after page 38 or Dec 1st, the point I've reached in the thread or C) Information concerning it has not been discovered, but after the basic list is finished I shall delve into these cases deeper.

    Warrior Alliance * *
    The Knight Alliance * *
    Freedom Fighters * *
    Shining Knights * *
    IP * *
    Internal Fire * *
    MAETF * *
    Blitz * *
    LBS * *
    Patriots Oct. 19th
    Elite Templars * Oct. 21st
    Dragonbane * Oct. 27th
    Chaos (original) *
    Kingdoms at Honour Oct. 21st
    Lightning Hammers(original) Oct. 19th
    OSF/ASF *
    The French Knights Oct. 19th
    IG *
    Hispanolatina Oct. 21st Oct. 22nd
    Knife of War Oct. 22nd
    Assassin’s Guild Oct. 22nd
    German Knights Oct. 22nd
    Russian Mafia Oct. 23rd
    CCCP Oct. 23rd
    Asian Alliance Oct. 24th
    Saphire Elite Oct. 25th Nov. 16th
    Shadowtroopers Oct. 26th
    Outlaws Oct. 27th Oct. 29th
    ET Reborn Oct. 29th Nov. 3rd
    Foxes Oct. 29th
    POD Oct. 29th Oct. 29th
    Arena Knights Nov. 2nd Nov. 28th
    Ivalice Nov. 2nd
    The Order Nov. 1st
    Merc Clan Nov. 6th
    Spartan Army Nov. 6th Nov. 14th
    Dragon Army Nov. 6th Nov. 10th
    QQ Nov. 7th
    Torch Alliance Nov. 8th Nov. 11th
    The Communists Nov. 10th
    Killer Kings Nov. 11th Nov. 23rd
    The Kings Nov. 13th Nov. 14th
    Outlaws (V2) Nov. 12th Nov. 14th
    The B34st Cl4n Nov. 13th Nov. 14th
    Thieves Guild Nov. 14th Nov. 14th
    Da Gang Nov. 14th Nov. 14th
    Destroyer Clan Nov. 15th
    D.S Nov. 15th
    Flames Nov. 15th
    LGBT Nov. 16th
    Ghost Guild Nov. 17th Nov. 17th
    Hot Rock Nov. 17th Nov. 17th
    Midnight Clan Nov. 17th
    Dark Angels Nov. 17th Nov. 28th
    Secret Society Nov. 18th
    Marines Nov. 18th Nov. 20th
    VvV Avalanche Nov. 19th Nov. 20th
    Purple Devils Nov. 19th
    The Knights who say ni Nov. 21st
    TLC Nov. 21st
    Warhawks Nov. 21st
    Alpha Omega Alliance Nov. 21st
    Snowmen Nov. 22nd
    WTF Nov. 22nd
    Canuks Nov. 23rd
    Red Devils Nov. 23rd
    Shadow Thiefs Nov. 25th Nov. 26th
    Grey Wardens Nov. 27th
    Black Riders Nov. 27th
    Special Ops Nov. 28th Nov. 29th
    Jesterz Nov. 28th Nov. 28th
    Siege Guardians Nov. 28th Nov. 28th
    Hells Angels Nov. 28th
    Angles Reborn Nov. 29th Nov. 30th
    Why so Serious Nov. 29th
    Everchosen Nov. 30th
    Jesse Clan Nov. 30th Nov. 30th
    Latin Kings Alliance Nov. 30th
    Spooky Ghosts Dec. 1st
  16. Shifter is a shifter wanna be >_<
  17. Suprised all those died