
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. I just learned something of great importance that Lastofthe300 told me.....

    there a Storalaxy  i have a kid with stora
  2. 
  3. I hope stora doesn't read this..........
  4. Your missing the best clan CoS conclave of shadows and also DoS our sub :)
  5. We have conclave of shadows already, but what's the full name of your subclan?
  6. New clan
  7.  my clans on 214 

    goOrder Of The Assassins
  8. COS's subclan is: Disciples of the Shadow
  9. typing up new list now. Finally...... :eek:
  10. Make sure stora doesn't come here!
  11. Thanks cor 
  12. NEW LIST!

    First off let me say sorry to Osterly and Stora. I've been slacking but this should help.
    Second off, from now on i'm only doing clans and sub-clans. Groups are pretty much gone.
    So, without further ado...

    Clans ~ Sub-clan:

    -Army of Anubis ~ Disciples of Anubis
    -Army of Darkness
    -A Dingo Stole My Baby
    -All Sleepy Clan
    -The ADM Tigers

    -Big Trouble In Little China - A Clan That is Purely a Tribute To

    -Crazy White Boys
    -Conclave of Shadows ~ Disciples of the Shadow
    -The Comebacks
    -Chaos Reborn
    -Council of Valhalla

    -Dope Boys
    -Dragon Knights
    -Divine Order of Mayhem
    -Death Warriors ~ KAW
    -Dark Knights
    -Dragon Legion
    -The DHARMA Initiative

    -Echo of Silence
    -Epic Veterans ~ Epic Veteran Children
    -The Empire
    -Emerald Monkeys

    -Foxes ~ Foxlings
    -The French Knights ~ TFK Evolution ~ TFK Brothers in Arms

    -Guild of Farmer
    -German Foxes
    -Gods of War

    -Hyper Initiative
    -The Hunters
    -The Hollow Elite ~ The Hollow
    -The Hundred Companions
    -The Hungarian Kings

    -iG ~ WiG
    -Inferno Dragons
    -Inca Empire
    -Inglorious Noob Circus
    -Iron Phoenix

    -Jade Monkey
    -The Johto League

    -Knights of Sylverhall ~ Footsoldiers of Sylverhall
    -Knights Templar ~ Illuminati ~ The Covenant
    -Knights of the Fire Emblem ~ Fire Emblem Academy
    -Knights of the Republic
    -Kingdom of Cydonia
    -Knights of the Knight
    -Knights of Peace
    -Kungfu Panda of China
    -KaW Developers
    -KaWtion Reborn
    -Knights of Hyrule

    -Lightning Hammers
    -The Leagues
    -Latino Kings ~ Latino Kings School
    -Legion of Heroes
    -Long Forgotten Sons

    -Modern Republic ~ Modern Republic Gladiators
    -Metroid Prime

    -Non Bully Network
    -New Order
    -New World Order
    -New Age Gangsta ~ New Age

    -The Outlawz
    -The Olympians ~ Camp Half-Blood
    -Order of the Assassins
    -Order of Dark Knights

    -xXPsYcH0S1S_3xP3R1M3N7Xx ~ xXPsYcH0S1S_Pr0T0TyP3SXx
    -Predator Alliance
    -The Patriots
    -Praetorian Guard


    -The Republic of Heaven
    -The Rangers
    -Republic of Texas

    -Soul Society
    -Strength of Armenin
    -Samourai Warriors
    -Sosa Clan
    -Selcouth Felines


    -United Kingdom Clan
    -Untold Legends
    -The United

    -VooDoo ~ Voo2oo ~ Voo3oo

    -Wulf Pack

    -Xan's Clan


    -Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty ~ ZAFT - Academy
    -ZAFT - Destiny ~ ZAFT - Academy
    -ZAFT - Assassins and Mercenary Guild ~ ZAFT - Academy

    Please tell me if I missed anyone. Clans are not in any order than by first letter and the order I found them.

    Link is
  13. hope that works for you all
  14. Cool, it's alphabetical now
  15. makes it look a bit more organized
  16. By groups you mean...? I think I know but I want to double check
  17. Kaw is no longer a subclan for dw dwm is the new sub
  18. The things listed under "groups" in the last list