
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. New clan: Republic of Texas
  2. Got them already al
  3. New subclan
    kaw for Death warriors
  4. New clan
    The comebacks
  5. Isn't that the one Dabomb said earlier?
  6. opps i didn't notice
  7. crim where r u? :cry:
  8. Revived clan
  9. Well since the new app update makes it possible to just link directly from my profile to the clan, our little name game isn't functional anymore. So add us to the list I guess!

    Big Trouble In Little China - A Clan That Is Purely A Tribute To
  10. We have you guys already. Hopefully crim will finish the new list soon, and you'll see your clan's name there.
  11. I hope the devs make it so u can edit posts on the iPod in an update soon
  12. That could come out in the next update. This one had some stuff crammed into it, so (besides the devs) who knows?
  13. I hope would be much easier to edit the list
  14. PatriotsDEAD
    The patriotsNew
  15. Chaos had difficulties with absent clan owner, admin and leaders. Some of the members decided they wanted a change and left to join The Outlawz and make a new clan Infam0us Inc.

    Those of us remaining had to make a the decision to fizzle out or take the bull by the horns and remake chaos. The decision made was Chaos Reborn- Our new home which included remaining loyal Chaos members and Chaos University united into one clan.

    No hard feelings are held with any who left and we are all still on good terms. I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone well and good luck 
  16. New clan
  17. The Empire is clan