
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Storallelite, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. I don't know 's name. He never told me 
  2. THERE ARE 79 CLANS
  3. Awww that's too bad crim
  4. I'll call him...

    Until he gives up his name...
  5. I luv stora
  6. How much? 
  7. From one to five..............
  8. More like 
  9. New clan
    The hunters
  10. ...
    So many clans...
    Soon each player will have their own
  11. The ones who can afford one, anyways 
  12. New Clans (I think)
    Soul Society
    Death Warriors
  13. We have death warriors already
  14. New clan
    soul society