All war clans beware.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Arturo-, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Off-topic, but congrats Red on mod.
  2. @ Moose
    If your that loyal to your clan then maybe you like D-A shouldn't be warring anywhere else but your home clan to prevent this type of situation. I find it dishonorable and disrespectful not to fight for a clan you have accepted to war with. I like others have fought ee against friends that I have a lot of respect for yet I still put up a good fight.
  3. Woah carnage played the "I can tap your profile buttons hard" card!!! Watch out guys!!!! King knockyouout better not go to sleep tonight!!!

    Amazing the butt hurt-ness over something that doesn't involve 80% of people on this thread damn get a life.
    Taking in Mercs sucks ass
  4. Commendable really? Fixing it so your clan get a free win is now consider commendable.
  5. agree with letsplay.

    PLs dont waste 19 people time and money......
    else dont complain when get farm.
  6. he gave away his share of mithril winnings so that the clan he belonged to could win. Basically, its like a guy falling on a grenade to save his buddies.

    I'm loyal to my clan. Apparently so is DA. People who are angry should be cursing out their bad luck, IMHO, instead of directing their anger at a loyal clannie, but, I digress. We may Simply have different values.
  7. kaw is a war game, and if DA gets farmed for his actions, them thats simply "the cost of clan loyalty". Sometimes supporting your friends comes at a cost. Make no mistake. I don't oppose farming the guy into oblivion. I just don't take umbrage with what he did. i would expect DA should get the full backing of his clan, however, in this issue
  8. Loyalty is great. Right up until it leads to an extreme disrespect to those who've done no harm. This is a matter of extreme disrespect. His "loyalty" cost people time effort and money. Such actions are not to be applauded in my book. If you can't respect the people you go to war with enough to actually war and not be a drain on resources then do everyone a favor and stay home.  On the upside this guy is probably as good as blacklisted and hopefully no one else will make the mistake of taking him on.
  9. You are over the hill Val.. It doesn't matter that people are copying you.. 
  10. @moose

    I stand by comment, if your that loyal stay at home don't wast yours or other peoples time if your not going to be fully committed to warring at a different clan.
  11. Loyalty... EE clans. Oh please.
  12. Actually it is more like joining up with some people by telling them that he would fall on a grenade for them then some older better buddies threw a grenade at him and he refused to jump on it and everyone blew up. Discussing loyalty and honor when it was obviously a one way street throws the loyalty and honor card out the window. He should have known when they starting hitting him that it was so and at that point we was intentionally throwing the match by not hitting back.
  13. ^^ right 

  14. I am loyal to my clan but I don't screw people in the process. The very lease he could have done is let his clans know he was not going to hit them and expect the same. He had bloody two hours.

    Anyone who support him is not someone I would want to know.
  15. letsplay:
    Your point is not without merit. I just place clan loyalty a bit higher in my books, but I do see where you're coming from.
  16. EE is bull end of story. I just did what it took to get quick and easy 50 so I could get back what I wanted. I didn't do it to be a good guy. Good guys finish last, remember that.

    Win at all costs
  17. As someone who has warred with Skip and UM in the past, I'd like to make a few comments:

    - Unless Skip has a crystal ball, there's no way to predict who you will draw a match against. As we all know, it's inevitable that you will eventually match up against friends. The fact that UM matched up against a clan that D-A happened to be in is just luck of the draw. The point of warring is to win, so you can't fault UM for seeing a weakness on the other side and taking advantage of it. Is it "right?" Is it "wrong?" Each person has their own point of view. But to blame an entire clan and call them cheats, etc, isn't exactly fair either, is it? As I've said, I've warred with Skip before and have a lot of respect for him. UM is a very good clan and doesn't need to plant moles to win.

    - As far as D-A, he made a choice not to fight against UM, based on his own personal sense of honor. What is right for one person isn't necessarily right for another. But it was HIS choice, nobody else's. Does that excuse him from contributing to the clan's loss due to his inactivity? No, it does not. Anytime we make a choice there are inevitably consequences, which he must now face.

    - From my own perspective, you can still show loyalty to your home clan while still facing them in an EE. As long as you aren't revealing strategy or clan tactics, nobody can blame you for being non-loyal. I say fight like it's against any other clan. I've faced off against friends before and we have no problems with hitting each other. We usually bust one another back and forth and congratulate each other for successful KO's at the end of the match. And yet, somehow, the friendship and loyalty to a home clan still survives. Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Peace ️
  18. Lol. Udder madness doesn't mole or intentionally. I remember jac putting his alt and multiple clans and dropped to OSF. He truly DID have a crystal ball lolol. We matched NT NF (former udder madness) 26v29 and severely outmatched. Luckily jac had his hansel there an dropped it to an OSF and we all fed off it like mad.
  19. people are saying that DA wasted the money of the clan he was merging in, but, conversely, he did not waste the money that his home clan spent in the war, so the point is moot to me