All war clans beware.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Arturo-, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Shut up King. If you all have honor you won't mid whether being hit by your own member in a war that he had no choice.
  2. This topic is dead and over honestly. Many more wars before season is over. Be careful who you take in for mercing especially if you're scoping out possible clan matches.
  3. Dont be naïve. Believing a liar and a cheat
    ........not the smartest course of action. Big difference between NOT getting KO'd, right at the end of the war and NOT xtalling. 
  4. Just because he could have done worse doesn't mean what he did was ok
  5. @Abz if he has that much respect for your home clan maybe you should keep him on a leash and not allow him to war merc any where else along with your members that think the same way he does. They coast other people war, they create problems such as these, and your clans reputation goes the the drain. 
  6. What a joke king. Just like you clan. Your clan can't win fairly. Ball-less
  7. What he did WAS ok, however. He was
    1. With in bounds of ToU
    2. Showed loyalty to his clan above himself

    If you think having loyalty to your self and your MERC contract is greater than loyalty to your home clan, then we will simply agree to disagree
  8. When you merc , it's understood you will be there to fully participate to war, if you're not, you deserve to be stripped/pinned for rest of season by losing clan.

    It is irrelevant whether he was being a "good clannie" from the losing side's perspective . They lost because of his inactivity.
  9. ^ you go in a clan to war, you're part of the clan for the duration of the war.
  10. stripping and pinning DA is also allowable, and if it brings you catharsis,mthen I strongly encourage it. I'm all for PvP. If this happened in my clan, I'd me mad too, and I'd probably sit on his account for a while. However, even though I approve of strip farming DA, I don't share in the moral outrage shown on this thread
  11. I thought if you went to find a war (mercing) you went to war by him having 0 actions against the other side would put him as an inactive

    I believe the inactives when I warred got strip farmed

    Clan loyalty is good but when your mercing in a war that is set up by the devs chances are your gonna face friends and family members I give da no props on his clan loyality bc of the simple fact he ran from this said war
  12. Our tactics aren't fair ? We do every war, random,advantage and we fight hard with the WCs strategy every war. Against RH? Fight hard.

    Haters can hate
  13. Your argument is pathetic Moose. His clan apparently didn't get the memo about "respect your clanmates, don't hit them". They got the "he's going to leak, so hit him and he'll throw the whole war" one instead.
  14. Again, I have faced friends before In war and still fought.
  15. Haters can hate. Idiots can be idiots.
  16. Noone got any memo because he's perm silenced buddy I figured I was gonna take incomin first from him cuz I know him.
  17. Udder madness saw a leak and they exploited the hell out of it, thanks to a loyal clan member.

    Its not nice, but its legit.
  18. Seems to me you guys are just focused on one thing... your loss to UM... blaming the inactive that you guys took in... Maybe you should think before you let mercs in... it is the clans risk for taking mercs.. 1 war doesny make UM a dishonorable war clan. They don't need moles.. have you looked at their war history? of course not because your all stuck on this inactive you guys chose to let in...that's my view on this topic...
  19. Maybe another angle we could look at this from is this ....

    As this isnt the first time, lets hope more SH mercs do it, in fact we should encourage clans to send out their excess SH to merc as a brand new tactic , as all clans are seen begging for them in WC

    Of course the knock on effect could be clans dropping excess use of SH in their roster as they start to distrust them 
  20. Your name actually shows how good you think you and your clan are. I'll remember your name and come after you after my OSW ️