All war clans beware.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Arturo-, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Has beens what sort of insult is that.
  2. Apple girl is still trying to figure this out Val.. Take it easy on her
  3. I have been following this debate through the entirely of the thread, and I beleive I see where the crux of the problem is.

    The Question is "WHERE DO YOUR LOYALTIES LIE???"

    Do you believe in loyalty to your clan above all else? If you do, than D-As actions are in line and perfectly acceptable

    If you believe that a MERC contract holds more weight than your clan loyalty, then D-A is completely out of line.

    So, what takes precedence here? What's the greater obligation? Do are you loyal to your clan? Or are you loyal to your self and your "MERC" contract. Only one can have top billing.

    As for me, personally, I support my clan. I'm loyal to my clan. I may leave from time to time to do other things, but my loyalty will always be to my clan. My clan has backed me in many instances, and for that, they have earned my loyalty. I may do many things in KaW, but, I will not act against the clan that helped me grow and offers me protection, and that loyalty extends even too EE for me. If I were to "MERC" for another clan, and it was matched up against my home clan, my value structure tells me to support my home clan first, because I am loyal to them over and above my self.

    I'm not saying my code of ethics is better or worse than yours, but I will tell you that there are two sides to this issue, and I have no Problems with players who place their clan and clan mates first.

    At the end of the day, this guy was forced into a choice, and he chose loyalty. I don't find tht to be terrible. I find it to be commendable.
  4. It means irrelevant, Val. Get out more. ️
  5. Thank you Moose, exactly what I was trying to say, but u put it far more eloquently!
  6. I find attempting to appear honorable by not hitting your clanmates, while they feed off you for an hour, (including an xtal at the end) is anything but.

    And it is unsettling that some believe it is.
  7. Did you guys plunder him then? Yes? Means you guys won with a handicap.
  8. Support moose ️ whether or not it was nice or not and whether or not I support fully what he did - i do know and understand why.
    It was 1 unlucky war and I know D-A chose a clan that we have not matched before so he didn't match his home clan. Unfortunately it still happened
  9. He did not xtal. He had 5kos only. Wasn't that proved earlier he said so himself. He simply turned the game off
  10. For the umpteenth time, he didnt xstal.

    If you find it unsettling, read Moose's post above, maybe will help u understand better.
  11. 5kos is still plunder loss. EE noobs.
  12. EE is all about winning. The tactics are not relevant. Players play the EE system to the max by roster stacking, hiring good war commander and doing hard core analysis of the enemy. IP

    Honestly, its all fair game.

    Now, since EE is all about winning, and you had a player from the other side on your roster, you lost! That is just terrible luck, but, remember, this guy sacrificed his mithril reward to help his clan. That's honorable in my opinion. I respect clan loyalty

    Dnt confuse this with inactive players. I despise inactives. People set aside time in their week to do EE, and its important to them, so when someone takes a valuable roster spot and then doesn't care enough to show up, there is no punishment too harsh for them.

    DA, however, was not inactive. He was carefully xtaling and bleeding all over the battle field for his clan, sacrificing his share of the mithril pay out so that his friends might get rewarded. Seems legit to me
  13. But he also ruined the war for the clan he was in. He did more to hurt them than an inactive
  14. Terrible luck. Correct. Imagine if we had one of their perm members. He would not try hard in the war against Yama and might have let himself get KOed 5-6 times on purpose for his home clan or decide not to war. Or he might war hard for fun. Depends on the guy. It does not represent Udder Madness as a whole In any possible way.
  15. moose tactics are irrelevant how about getting koed by a sh 3x smaller than you isn't fun
  16. correction: it seems that DA didnt xtal, but, my point still stands. He showed loyalty to his clan above himself, and I won't fault him for it. He could have been much worse. He could have PMed when you were xtal blasting. He could have PMed opens to his clan. He could have shut down cc and made your war really crappy.

    He instead said "I chose clan loyalty" and set his IPad down. I'm not sure I'd be so passive in a situation like this. I give DA props for letting the team he was "mercing" for have a clean fight
  17. Hgcbbb don't know what EE war is and thus your response makes no sense. He did exactly as much damage as an "inactive" that was sleeping through war.
  18. i do not like some of the EE mechanics. I'd like to see tweaks to the system