All war clans beware.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Arturo-, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. From the. Stupid auto ^
  2. this subject is so interesting
  3. This subject is why the Damocles list exists
  4. No Im saying that D-A chose not to because he respected his home clan. I dont get why that is so hard to comprehend?
  5. I e fought my most respected best friends on game in home clan in ee wars because I gave my word to a clan. I said I would go there for the opportunity to war and understood they were like my home clan spending real money and effort to war.
    Why is it so hard to understand if you sign up for a war you should fight it?
    Why is it ok to throw away one clans real money that you gave your word to and not another who you happen to match against?

    Fight the war and let the best players on the day win for real and have fun doing it.
    If not. Then don't bother signing up because your just wasting 19 odd other players time and money.
    There's enough going on to damage the ee system. It doesn't need more people cheating the system to damage the future of ee wars.
  6. If you respect your home clan, shouldnt you fight with your best to give a fun match for all?
  7. Some points for both sides to ponder:

    1. DA went to war at another clan. For that one hour, those people depended on him and they were his clan.

    2. UM/DA says he is perm silenced. He could still communicate via a 3rd party app, or his alt.

    3. UM kicked his alt. That is two fold. It says you do not trust him not to give out your cc info. Or, as you say, to prevent him from communicating to you. Please see point 2.
  8. Continued

    4. DA/UM say he did not hit out of honor. This is beating a dead horse. UM should not have hit him then. More honor would have been shown by DA and UM talking with Yama and saying he would not fight and UM would not hit him.

    5. War strategies differ for each clan. Luck had it that UM matched Yama. I will not say that what happened wasn't fair or planned or that communications did/did not occur. I will say this, you learn from each war. Yama--get an alliance with other clans that ee. If you are short for numbers you can use their overflow, and vice versa. UM-- do not play the honor card in forums when clearly it was only a one way street for you. You hit DA, that is a fact that cannot be denied. DA--quit mercing if you cannot give 100% to the clan that opened their doors to you.
  9. Page 10. Alliancemaybillia. You saw him say he dropped 4 crystals? Wow. How'd he do that?
  10. 709  you should know that someone like alliance is full of  by now
  11. Well say 709. Btw really da is invited guest as he say or he ask for the war .
  12. Why xtalling if he didn't want to hit them due to "honor" ? Did I misread...?
  13. No you didnt misread.

    By xtalling he contradicts the version of his " honor Cf" he just wanted his friends to win and he secured it for them.
  14. Abz stop for a moment and think before you post. You said it is honorable for DA not to hit home clan. Was it honorable on your part to KO him 5 times for easy points(and that made the war a win for you) knowing he was not helping Yama at all.

    Are the rest of you at UM all the same, we have seen 3 now. I suggest you get a sensible guy to represent your case if you want to prove a point without making your clan look even worse.
  15. I dont represent UM. Im not even on their council. I represent me lol. Maybe it wasnt 'honorable' (this is a friggin tap tap war game) for us to ko him 5 times. Anyway this whole situation was not planned or thought out. D-A merced not imagining he would come up against his home clan. He decided not to participate in this war himself as he thought it was the right thing to do. Ums in the war decided to hit him even tho he was inactive as we wanted to win. Thats all it is. Maybe we were wrong. Maybe Yama were wrong for using a merc (even tho op must have known he was from UM as da was in UM when he asked him to merc). Personally I can see why people r pissed off but I can also see why D-A decided not to hit. Some people like oranges, others like pears. Its a difference of opinion.
  16. Lets put this the easy way. I was warring alongside some apoc alliance members in our war clan. We had a couple Sparta elite members and a couple of others. We got matched with hit squad. Did the apoc family members not participate? No they didn't, they hit and competed as any normal person participating in war would do. Whether or not you're in a cf, they're friends/family you war where you are situated. Why? Because its the right thing to do. Sitting there taking a beating and pretty much being inactive is a poor representation of you and what your clan you represent is.
  17. Lol the day's of worms in EE. We matched Udder madness or whatever their old name was. I got their spreadsheet link and deleted our roster off of it lmao.
  18. Funny how clans like this happily called us worms cheats. Truth is we where just 1 step ahead. Nowadays they are doing exactly what we did. We basically started the towered GH build and hansels with ADT. And excessive moling lmao
  19. And the Worm's are has beens. How'd that work out for ya ?
  20. Apologies made to Freaking Out already  Thank you for being gracious 