All war clans beware.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Arturo-, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Stop attempting to cast this in the light of honor. This DA guy showed none. He should have realized he had to fight the minute his clanmates started hitting him. He has enough EE equipment to realize exactly what he was doing. I'm sure he's a great scumbag in real life too. ️
  2. MONSTER, I know as much or more about this game then you. I meant what does he do with the gold he gets from rewards? He can't keep it out or buy pots.
  3. ^hoe moe

    People use SH to exploit the EE mechs
  4. 23 pages really !!!!! Everything was said like 22pages ago..... stop filling this thread with more crap :) . And moose's can't be trolls thats just some scary **** moose pls stop being a troll mr valient knight ^^.
  5. What gold from what rewards? It's an EE war the only reward is Estocs Edge and Rancor levels
  6. This is completely unreadable