All war clans beware.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Arturo-, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Having honor is not decided by one portion of of your actions but rather a collection of them. Is an honorable man not also a respectful man? D-A certainly is not respectful. Can one be honorable while being disrespectful? If one thinks yes then this statement has no point. If one thinks an honorable man must also be respectful then maybe he's not as honorable as some may think. 
  2. When I warred outside of home clan it was always understood and expected if we get matched against home clan we fight honourably to the best of our ability. Friends or not. Family or not. If you sign up for a war the people you sign up with depend on you to be part of the team.
    There is no point mercing if you aren't going to fight. Vile lost to best friends and family clan and beaten them before.
    It's never an issue. Ee is a skirmish. A fun part of the game, however it is to all intents a pay to play and you make a commitment entering an ee war.
    In a lot of ways fighting friends is more fun. Knowing you have a bullseye on you or racing to ko a mate is a laugh. Same as shooting them in halo or beating them in racing games.

    Saying its a tough choice to me makes no sense. It's a game and should be fun and you should try to win.
    If you don't want to win, why play?
    Why make other people depending on you lose because you won't commit to what you signed up for.
    While I see what others are saying I don't agree with that attitude and think people should honour their agreement to compete in the war honestly.
  3. Lol u are still.Merc. Of um.
    For goodness sake, spare other people. stop warring outside um. Or.u been kicked out.of um?lol
  4. Notice the people saying its dishonourable suck at EE.

  5. Respect your clan by following WC commands in the clan you are mercing at & fight your clan as hard as you would fight along side of your clan. For shame man... for shame.
  6. They don't respect you then. Lol. But Seriously, there's absolutely nothing wrong in hitting home clan if you're matching them. If you would hit them, YAMA would win. You gave UM 5 full unload on you and at the same time, you wasted 1 roster in YAMA.

    If I understand, by example, it's like if UM is farming you to unload without hitting back because it was all about honor, honor and honor. Look what you've caused. You made them lost their chances to win.
  7. Good greif. U all disagree on honor, clearly. Well this is a war game, n that's what war is for. To settle ****. If someone pulled that on us, our response would not be in forums. No one said you had to stop fighting after an hour.
  8. D-A is probably not the only one doing this, but I hope the blowback from his actions is so massive that is discouraged future cheaters from doing the same. Udder Madness should drop him if they have any integrity.
  9. Seriously doubt D-A was the only factor in your guys loss... if yama would have won you all wouldn't be on forums crying like you are now.. I have yet to see a forum about a clan crying because they have the inactive... they would just go on the inactive forum page... Why don't you guys just get over it. If your gonna farm him then do so... you don't need to be forum warriors.. that's my 3 cents on this topic. :)
  10. Edit *I have yet to see a clan that has won a war and then go cry about it in forums.*
  11. Look even um is distancing themselves from d-a and do not condone the actions he is accused off.

    In a 500m win, if d-a did not sell adt and xstaled he prob bleed over a bil to um. If anything, his gettin ko 4 times was a mistake. They prob wanted him up the whole war. After all, when there is an inactive on the other - the last thing we want to do is ko him.

    Personally, d-a disrespected um. his inactivity says that he didn't think they could win w/o him.

    Btw not hittin fam and friends is a poor argument. I've hit fam in war out of respect to them and those I war w
  12. This seems pretty straightforward. Yama should strip, pot burn and permapin DA. At least till the end of the season.

    Behave like a dog, get treated like a dog.

    Having said that, if Yama can't be bothered, why should anyone else care?
  13. My issue with this is that he didn't find a way to inform the merc team that he will not be hitting his own clan. And also that he didn't work it out with his own clan that there would be no hitting of DA so that it wouldn't throw the match. That would've been the honorable way.
  14. Moose you are trying too hard. People who are wrong usually do.
  15. Bump farm him
  16. I hit my friends when I am on the other side of a war, after all its just 1 hr. Pretty shitty on D-A's part to not do anything, and the fact that your clan hit you while you did nothing means they could care less about you.
  17. Your an EE clan. Your not a war clan
  18. Well then make him a clan farm etc. He probably gets rewarded with items phases. Low stats, I reckon he ally scams?
  19. Low stats.. You do know what a SH is right... People that don't know anything steady commenting on here