All war clans beware.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Arturo-, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Either way. One side HAS to lose money.
  2. @moose
    how is it with out merit?? You just gave enough proof stating you wouldn't hit your clan while in ee lol i simply suggested that if your not going to be fully committed to warring for a clan that you agreed on warring with then stay home and war or don't war at all.
  3. @ Play he said NOT without merit. Pay more attention  As for not wasting home clans money. Well he wasn't warring with home was he? Moot point. You sign up with a clan under that agreement that you will put forth the effort and money that everyone else is. Like I said. An extreme disrespect. 
  4. Letsplay:
    You misunderstood me. I was saying you have legitimate points. We just have differing value structures
  5. @crow
    i misread his post I was reading quickly trying to catch up on everyones comments  my bad
  6. @moose

    I get your point though  its a crappy situation all the way around. Apologies misread your last comment 
  7. I'm watching you letsplay 
  8. For me to summarize: the losers are angry. The situation sucked. E losers have every right to be angry.

    However, DA simply displayed a different value structure than some on this thread have. He chose clan loyalty over MERC loyalty.

    Our values come at a cost. His values cost you the war, and his values may also cost him his allies . I have no problem with any of this. Lets see if his clan stands by him as he gets assaulted. That is where the real issue lies. Will his friends throw down for him now that he's kicked over a hornets nest for them?

  9. I'm beginning to suspect moose is about to win the Troll of the Year award.
  10. Goes to WC for merc, gets screwed in the butt comes to forums to .
  11. moose if u were in yama , will u strip farm D-A ? :D
  12. Forgive me for asking this but ee wars where supposed to cement promote clan loyalty
  13. if I was in Yama, I'd strip DA repeatedly and, and for at least a month, I'd have the decree "all clannies must hit DA before unloading on EB.

    However, on the flip side, if I was in udder madness, I would request that DA reports his news to me, and I'd have my clannies attack anyone who touches him
  14. Btw moose. He never mithed up. So basically he had no loss mith, nor hed get any had he won since he never casted
  15. he didn't spend any mith, but he didn't win any either, unlike his friends, so I still count it as a loss
  16. Thanks moose for the support. There seems to be a lot of butthurt people who don't have a home clan for EE and just love stirring up drama on the forums. Don't ask someone who's in their home clan to come merc for you if there is a chance he will match his home clan. I did not ask to go merc nor look for it. I was asked to come help make numbers and it was just bad luck I matched my home clan. See the war before that in Yama. I helped them secure the win for them. If it were any other clan I would have fought like the warrior I am. A huge portion of players who EE know of me and know I fight hard. I didn't leak nor blow up the CC/Strategies of Yama to anyone at UM. I am Perm Silenced till June 30th and have proof of that from emails from Devs. I did not xtal at end to help UM win. Maybe the other mercs you had at Yama did, such as the guy with 20 actions at the end who xtalled and got eaten. If I had to go back and get a second chance I'd do the same thing over again. Quit acting like a bunch of teenagers and start a bunch of drama. If you lost a dollar and an hour out of your life then you must be pretty cheap. It's not a big deal. Get over it. Good luck to all clans in future EE and rest of season. Best of wishes. Thank you to those who support me and show loyalty.
  17. no support 
  18. I was under the impression when you join a roster to war you fight your best alongside the people you joined war with.
    You can clearly see the war history and you OP was the deciding factor, you are the clear reason they had lost you could have at the most kept yourself in pin.
    There was no honor in what you did
    They knew you were not going to unload so they clearly unloaded on you and kept your regen in cc to insure there victory.
    Your a disgrace to the system you disgust me nothing loyal about throwing a war.
  19. DA placed clan and friends above mercing. He was forced to choose. I fail to see this as dishonorable. It was instead, a difficult decision
  20. When you throw a game when people are counting on you it is dishonorable
    And disgraceful