All Star War is NOT all star

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Happy_Cop, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. Perhaps just a little bit brighter than you. That's ok, you don't need to understand. I'll go find you some crayons.
  2. Is it just me or does it seem like this guy needs to take a chill pill?
    I admit my grammar isnt the best, in fact, its always been my worst subject, but that doesnt give anybody the right to say they're better than me.
    I mean, you dont even know me!
    Get a life and quit putting other people down on this game. What are you trying to prove anyways? Or are you just trying to fill up some hole in your life that you cant fulfill?
  3. Other warriors fight only for a purpose, Frank. Many are in fact alive and well. ;)
  4. Now I hurt his feelings.

    If I remember right, you're the one that took the personal shots first. If you can't take the heat, get the **** out of the kitchen.

    Delusional, arrogant, psycho: that's me. I make fun of you for using a word incorrectly and you get your panties in a wad. Unbelievable.
  5. I agree with pingy, I'm not ranked in the top 10k but I used to be ranked top 3k until I reset, I war all the time. Being ranked outside doesn't make you a noob and being ranked top 10k certainly doesn't make you an ALLSTAR!!!!
  6. My post comes off seeming like i actually care. I can assure you, i don't.
    Im just making a point.
    I called you arragont and you were. You escalated quickly so I called you delusional/psychotic.
    You were the first to start hate, making rude and unnecessary jokes concerning other peoples' gramatical abilities.