Discussion in 'Wars' started by Erick, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Great idea keep the noobs out 150 might be a bit much though 
  2. NCU no it wouldn't be the same I'm almost certain a majority of the people who did ASW 2014 had less then 20 EE wars this way it would be the people who war mlre then anyone else and who put the most dedication and time so they deserve better rewards
  3. I like this idea
  4. Or better yet...have an old-fashioned ASW built the way we used to do them, not the EE-style. 24-hours of locked-in war. A WAR, like what KaW was built for. No flashy equipment, no mith "rewards", just bragging rights and a nice pretty achievement.
  5. I want a war that has the most dedicated / expiernce warriors in the game so if you win you can tell yourself you truly are the best of the best
  6. Rick, when I looked at your profile and saw 3rd ASW achievement I thought, "huh, that's cool"...until you posted your last post. You sound too noob to have been in any ASW. (Sorry but I couldn't help but point that out.)

    Anyways, most dedicated / experienced hinges on what exactly? Your EE record / rancor level? Come on. Think outside the box. I challenge you to read all about the beginnings of KaW, not this mess the devs have turned it into with people clamoring for the latest feather award or how many eggs they can gather. SMH.
  7. @jul it's hard to measure how good someone is and it's true there are a lot of good warriors who do OSW instead of EE wars Iv tried both aspects of the game however EE wars is something you can measure compared to OSW experience and my thoughts on a good warrior is someone who is always winning to fight to help their clan out and someone who puts in the work and dedication to win this event doesn't matter if you OSW or EE war it's an event that anybody has the same change as everyone else as long as you put in the time and effort and it's okay I don't mind ASW 3 was a long time ago I musta gotten noobier since then
  8. And I don't care for those hunting events actually I went inactive during one of them however what is wrong with EE wars? It's a way for everyone to try and war and try different things besides just Ebs all day
  9. @ kaw. Why don't you go to the GAW devs and tell them to do a Asw there for top 5k
  10. I believe that signups for individual wars should always follow the close of signups for clan EE wars and that anyone who can't make a clan war then has the individual war as a fall back to the clan war. This would make it so clans who are warring get the chance to war without diluting their ranks BUT also it makes it easier for people to commit to clans for a clan EE war knowing that if they don't get selected for the roster, they at least will get a chance at a individual EE war an hour afterwards. The delay after signup needs to be cut down in time and people who are not in the EE roster need a chance to leave the clan and not stuck in it after signup closes but this would totally increase the folks who could and would war as well as make the allstar war based upon EE rank open to a larger group of people.

    Also, is there a way we can have WC and trackers sign up separately to individual EE wars to ensure that the clans made up on the fly all have at least one of each?? I was in an individual war with 3 trackers in the clan once and none another time. This would allow those who KNOW they can serve as EE WC and trackers be distinguished from the run of mill player.

    Also there needs to be a way to kick inactives who don't MITH up or somehow otherwise activate10 minutes before the war starts otherwise this makes the individual wars less fair then the regular wars.
  11. So much support
  12. Omet those are some great Updates that would benefit EE wars and clans hopefully developers can listen to the ideas
  13. Suport but some clans will gwt all the rancor and others who worked hard yet didnt win should still get rancor like lets say 50 wars and u need lvl 50. 1 for loss and 2-3 for win just an add on if u like it?
  14. Interesting idea. I have a personal thought.

    Why not established tiered individual wars for rancor levels throughout the season as a tournament thing. All who cast have 0 rancor. All the winners with level 1 rancor split up into new teams and war. Then all the winners wifh level 2 rancor split into new teams and war.

    Similar idea as ASW but it makes use of rancor levels and all can participate. These tournament wars can use a different cast spell for their own special use daily. Anyone who didn't qualify for an upcoming tournament war can still cast WoC for regular individual wars. The people without the current rancor level for the current tournament bracket can not cast the tournament spell. You MUST cast the tournament spell each time or you will not get matched.

    Once you lose you keep the original rancor level you had. The winners will be when there are 10 or less warriors standing. Then tiered rewards will be dispursed based on highest rancor level to the running up rancor levels and so forth

    The beauty is EVERYONE gets a chance. A noob even has a chance of being carried up to the top 10 by luckily being placed with good warriors. It is new random teams each tier and in the end will hopefully be mostly high quality warriors and builds. Everyone gets a shot but it helps to prepare with more towers and learning how to war for regular individual wars.

  15. @ Rick : How can you actually say that an EE war is anywhere close to osw? You fight for 1 hour and may lose 200 pots. Osw is 24 hours a day 7 days a week. After your war you gain ee/win or lose ee. After 1 hours work you end up with what you went into war with. You go home with your allies intact and sign up for the next 1 hour war? Let's go back old school and make EE wars 24 or 48 hours and see how many EE warriors are left standing.
  16. I don't think I said they are close but for the most part you are probably takking more hits in that 1 hour then you will in any 1 day of OSW now hits going out you do attack more in OSW
  17. @rick

    No support

    You can have dedicated losers. In s3 my rancor was fairly low, mainly because we got no match 80% of the time. Unless the devs can guarantee matches, this system is flawed.
  18. Ok looking at this more all I see is certain exploit clans getting the wins.
    Unless there are indi or 1v1 wars there is no way this will stand a chance to include every player giving equal opportunity to enter at least from the start.

    But the main point is what you are really proposing is an ASW that gives overpowered equipment to people that have just received the maximum season gear this creating a near untouchable clan that will be unbeatable and totally overpowered.

    I support an ASW based on rancor. But it should not offer equipment rewards and indi wars must provide rancor to give everyone equal opportunity to prevent exclusion.
    I would still rather see 1 v1 wars first and battle list mith rewards to provide people a chance to close the gap through pvp actions and obtain red equipment. This would not close the gap totally but allow a better chance for any player that is willing to pvp for the rewards.

    If wars could be run side by side indi vs indi and clan v clan ( not vs each other that just provides clans with yet another easy match up and guaranteed win). They could provide plenty of opportunity for all. If not then in rotation.
  19. No support

    It would not be ASW then would it. DUH!!!!