All Star War Clans: A Solution to EE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. @ azure

    I dunno. I was in one all star and I can't remember lag being a big issue. Try warring on wifi whenever you can. All star war problem was the devs made these lb admins who could kick ppl. I say no admin, no trackers, no teams, just pure chaos!
  2. Completely disagree with op.

    The best part of ee wars is warring with your.clan mates. It doesn't address the root causes of bad matches currently.

    Firstly the matching is terrible, its been obvious that dtw/dts doesn't work...everyone has agreed that the mid to end matching system was the best. Just add bfe into the factor (personally don't feel it plays as much of a factor as others) then we can get some more consistently close matches.

    For those ppl complaining about ghs...if they can hit you with attacks and win then tower the hell up...its pretty simple. Look at discogolf in ny that's a wsr hansel build.

    Now to actually fix the root cause of ee wars as the above is actually just a bandaid which will help.

    Get more people warring...with all these double and triple gold ebs eho can blame people for not wanting to waste xstals
  3. Hit submit by accident.cont.

    Waste xstals when they can grow so much on ebs. If you look at increasing the plunder per hit this will helpand then look at paying out what plunder yiu made during war then as an added bonus at the end.

    Possibly look at giving war xstsls out...give one out so it only costs one normal xstal to war which you have to use first to get the free one...if devs get double the sign ups then they won't lose profits.

    The key is getting more clans to sign up so there's more data to go into their matching system...mire clans and ut won't even matter how good an algorithm you have, you'll get better results.

    Please just don't go changing the mechanics or structure anymore, definitely don't go messing with the clan loyalty and team work concepts as this is keyto making ee wars fun.
  4. I think it's a great idea. They would only have to run a few big wars a day. People would still use xtals trying to get the maximum mith payout possible. And a lot more people would do it. So maybe it would be more than a few bigger war, make it several big wars a day. And they could bump the time of the wars up a little bit. And allow more xtals to be used. Just being able to actually do a war would be great.

    This whole system that's in place seems to complicated for its own good. Yet people still want more from it. Expectations are sky high. Sure this is a multi-platform game, PC/phones/pads/pods. It still basically a app on a phone though. How much can one expect? I see major game tournaments simpler than this setup. And they get paid.

  5. FULL support Phil. Great idea. Would also eliminate trying to decide and find what clan your going to war with every season  love it
  6. Support  sounds interesting 
  7. The main reason I support this bc it achieves the ultimate goal the devs should be working towards, getting everyone involved in ee. This way anyone could sign up and have a really good chance of having plenty of targets they can hit.
  8. Not everyone will xtal only issue I see
  9. That's why you make rewards based off an individuals performance and not the teams
  10. Either way you still end up with a 50/50 chance of being on winning team so it eliminates whining
  11. Lethal - it doesnt give you a 50/50 chance. Varying teams will result in untried players, distrust amongst the team of 200, and a large number of inactives.
    Anyone remember the first beta summer war? I know i do and it sucked. Also. Top 10K overall or top 10K allies?

    Another factor to consider is that while some people may not have massive numbers of accounts, they may cast accounts and be inactive JUST to be an asshat and lessen the other 199 people's chance of winning.

    Would it be fun? Yes.

    Would i do it? Most likely

    Summer wars also had clans pre arranging builds to facilitate higher odds of winning.

    Other factors - people going against large numbers of other players like that runs the risk of intimidation and you would have to freeze ally hires of participants (that is a lot of ally freezes), hits from the outside, limit xtalling, you couldnt track any roster, just hope you have enough actives to sit for 1-2hrs.

    If you apply the ewar mechanic to a war that large, how HORRIBLE will the servers lag then?

    Applying those mechanics would likely result in a 4 or 8 hour war, higher inactivity rates, and more overall butthurt, a lower participation rate, and you would have to pay MUCH more mith and would likely only need 5-8 wins to reach level 50 rancor due to the sheer frustration you deal with as well as the lengthened war periods.

    We have 40-60 clans on average sign up with 26-29

    That is about 4 clans of 200 so what? 2 ewar clans going at it? Limit it to the top 10k and it will start with a high signup rate but as it progresses, it will have a way steeper rate of interest loss from the majority of the community (IMO). Just a bit of food for thought
  12. Yes you make good points Hand but you do have a 50/50 chance of being put on winning team bc it's random
  13. I actually really love this idea, you have my full support and I might just have to email the devs about this!
  14. You have an ideal chance of the split being 50/50.

    The actual odds are between 1% and 99%

    With the most common odds falling from 30-70% as i see it, given as many possible variables as there are.

    But in an ideal environment, you would be completely right lethal
  15. People can talk numbers all they like. 1 number is important. The number of people using the main feature of the game. Is it enough? Do you guys feel 1000-1200 people playing the main feature of the game is enough? To be honest I think EE and the thoughts of EE bore most to death. There's plenty of respect for the people crunching numbers to get wins or the best chance at a win. That's not bringing the average much fun though. It's boring.

    This is what I hear. 1.5 static spy defense, blah blah blah. All Eb equipment, blah blah blah. Can I covert to towers. Absolutely. Does that get me doing EE. Nope. I still gotta clan hop like crazy to get the equipment. For what? Something many claim to be broke? Id rather stay banked. This game is like 2nd or 3rd game. I can play this doing almost anything. With so much competition out there in the gaming market, and the limited access to the games main feature. I personally don't know how to justify prolonging this in the current state. Stuff that isn't broke does not need to run 3x gold/experience events constantly. Wanna know why guild hansels haven't been nerfed? It's the only way for someone to quickly play the main feature. Anyway just a noobs opinion. We want fun not structured, mathematically produced/fought wars. I'm not standing in a firing line for 2 hours having someone telling me to hit so and so because some program they are running tells them he is about to come out of pin. (Breathe) That's not gaming.

    Noobs rule!!

    Btw alts kill apps. ️ I got proof. So does KaW.
  16. Support to op Good idea
  17. Lol all star war wud be gud i wabt that achievementツ
  18. @hydra shock-lmao great post, exactly how I feel, Ty for putting into words