All Star War Clans: A Solution to EE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. I woke heartedly agree with everything you said.

    However, as a GH, I feel the devs have greatly weakened their power in EE. In my last war, I could only hit a few small attack builds with little plunder. Against a GH heavy clan, it would be GH hitting the other GHs, so the clans of large players would not be affected.
  2. Bankiller had about 30 guild hansel alts he made when creating GHC.
  3. This would be very interesting & more pros over cons than the current system. Support.
  4. No sir, it does not.
  5. Yes. The brawl. Somewhere along the line the devs have forgotten the magic of a brawl. Too much turtling strategy.
  6. I like the idea, sounds like fun
  7. remember all that you are allowed one computer account and one account for each idevice you own. Unless these guys own 100 iphones, the devs would be justified in removing them. Also remember that All star war required top 10,000 status or higher depending on the year, and I doubt anyone has 100 accouts all ranked in the top 10,000
  8. Me and a friend talked about this a few weekends ago Phil.

    I fully support it
    Make it happen.
  9. Support . Very well put Phil .
  10. Fully support. sounds awesome. Devs taKe notice!!
  11. Any option for mith other than the current ee wars is a good idea. Ee didn't have nearly as many clans exploiting when u could get mith other places
  12. In these clans who would be war commander? Or trackers? Who would make teams?
  13. Very valid . I racked up over 509 mith ( not much ) when it was 4 sale . I used most of it in osw .
  14. although your idea is very interesting, it will do noting to alleviate the community complaining. There are factions in this community that hate everything all the time , always, no matter what.

    I got complaints when i ran wc Trivia because people thought I favored one server over another (I didn't)

    Then I got complaints about forum trivia because I would run the game with no warning, so i changed it up and gave people an hours notice.

    The next complaint was that when I gave an hours notice, people couldn't post due to high traffic

    Then, I got complaints about the quearions I ran.

    Next, I have an NFL score picking contest and people are not happy because
    1. It is difficult, and
    2. It does not revolve around soccer.

    The point I am making is, there are people in this community who are very vocal and very negative towards everything that happens. In a system like EE, losers are generated, many of those losers like to come to forum to piss and moan, just like they have pissed and moaned about everything else that comes their way.

    There is no pleasing them.

    On a more positive note, the upside to Phil's system is that it would be chaotic. Who are our trackers? Who's leasing this group? The chaos that would ensue from throwing random peeps together would be very entertaining for me
  15. Understand, I'm not saying your idea is bad. It isn't. What I am saying is, you won't mollify the loser base in KaW.
  16. Now it's particularly import for the new scheme of the way the game is being formatted . ( bfe ) that is why I support this .
  17. If it was 200 per roster there would be a grand total of 1 war each war :|

  18. this is why no one likes you anymore. it is your JOB to deal with complaints. but you CONSTANTLY complain about it.

    saying that "this won't make everyone happy" is like saying "the sky is blue". nothing will make everyone happy.

    nothing you just said had any actual relevance to the idea. you are just pre-complaining about the future complaints you would receive if the idea was implemented.

    No one cares about your mod-world problems.
  19. Moose ? You been around for long time . Why is it ok now to not remedy something that's broken .the proof is there . Just look at the way it works .
    I really don't care , and know for sure the devs don't either . But it's a obvious prob to over 90% of KaW clans . This thread by Phil makes sense