Discussion in 'Wars' started by newname040313104, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. I don't suppose anyone else wonders why these sort of threads are only made by Americans?
  2. That's simple. Ignorance to the fact that most Americans who vocalize their patriotism are clouded by a history judgmental hate dictated by the victorys creating a false pride that seems greats from the inside by hateful and horride from the outside.

    I guess it's not that simple.. lol
  3. Christ... This thread is made by a noob about being a noob and not thinking before talking. Why should anyone have respect for u OP!!
  4. America is the best country in earth according to Americans because they don't Know other countries exist. Sssshhhh.......

    (it's their crappy education system)
  5. Ive got some american friends who dot know where belgium is...
  6. I went through the California high school system and knew most of the information prior to learning it in class, then went to a university of california and learned quite a bit actually. Then I went to England and studied abroad and learned alot more.
  7. @OP: Why don't you follow your grandfather's example and fight your own germans, instead of trying to start in-game WWIII? Eventually, you might get to be proud of you own deeds instead of your ancestors'...
  8. kingdomsATepicBATTLES:

    Get the **** off this game. Your childish behavior just makes it worse.
  9. You should use your bare hands to fight back
  10. I don't normally respond to threads started by idiots or flamers. I make an exception this time only to provide an example of an American who is not a flaming idiot (at least I don't think I am)

    Anyone who is over the age of 18 and living in the continental USA is painfully aware of the fact that we are no longer able to claim or hold any global status, neither politcally, militarily, nor financially.

    Please accept the possibility that there are a few ostriches in every society who like to spout their myopic opinions as if they. Are shared by all.
  11. No, you're a perma-farm because you were stupid enough to tell a German clan how your grandpa killed a German. You claim to be a proud American, but what's saying they aren't proud Germans? I'd do the same thing to you if I were in their position.
  12. Moose just won the game
  13. Moose, the correct phrase would be "America is the best country on* Earth". We don't live in Earth's mantle, sorry. Also, "know" should not be capitalized...

    And you have the audacity to question the intelligence of an entire country, let alone one person :roll:
  14. MGK if we accept the atmosphere is part of earth and not just a random awesome sphere of gases that prevents us from being incinerated, we're in earth.
  15. And I've met Canadians (from Saskatchewan more specifically) that had to be told where North Dakota was... while they were in North Dakota.
  16. I am German and I feel really offended by this thread.
  17. Militarily and Financially, Americas GDP is high despite the debt and the Military is largest in the world which isn't a good thing.
  18. And when someone says "Earth" do you think of the atmosphere first? No, I didn't think so.
  19. So you're suggesting the Atmosphere has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that it surrounds earth? In earth and On earth can be interchangeable, but In earth can be correct.