Discussion in 'Wars' started by newname040313104, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. I hope kreuz farms you till WW3 breaks out and we can't play games on iphone again.
  2. His main is i_love_to_farm_you, and is not doing so well at this time.
  3. Speaking of not doing well 
  4. Ah crap...

    wait.. no, nevermind. No one knows who I am on this account, ha.

    Anyways.. Weezus, how goes it?
  5. Outstanding, Ty.
  6. Good to hear. How's TS been?
  7. Kicking ass and taking names. We just recently got asjay a new goat (his old one got used up and offed itself on an electric fence in his bedroom)
  8. Ouch, send him my respects. Sounds great to me, aside from the goat situation.. such filthy animal they are. I see you're in the Apoc clan, how is that running?
  9. Awesome. A gathering of family here. We tapped the keg and Adore is doing a keg stand right now.
  10.  LMFAO 
    Thought u guys were gonna stop when the beer started pouring outta me. But then again I should know better by now!! America would be proud. See I'm even on topic!! a nature reserve here in Suriname
  11. Sigh..........
    And Americans wonder why they enjoy such a horrible reputation around the world.

    Let's talk about war for a minute.

    WWII was a horrible thing. All wars are. Yes, the allies were defiantly the good guys in his struggle, and the axis powers needed to be stopped.

    HOWEVER: you dishonor the service of your grandfather when you use his war stories to antagonize the peaceful people of today's generation. I very much doubt that he enjoyed strangling the life out of another human being, but did so out of necessity. Boasting if this act is boorish, especially when it was doubtless presented to these people in a way that was meant to be offensive and antagonistic. You deserve to be farmed.
  12. Now it's a giant tug toner competition. Guess who's winning!
  13. Lmfao, sounds fun weezus. Maybe I'll join you  Oh way, KotFE doesn't take to kind to me 
  14. I thought it was because we're superior to everyone else...
  15. Moose - Exaxtly. America is one huge mixing pot of hateful history.
  16. Ummm the nature reserve bit is a typo from cut n paste.  y'all really should have stopped letting me drink....
  17. I was wondering about thay adore :lol:
  18. It tones WHILE you tug adore, focus please...
  19. Monster I told them my German grandfather did not approve but my Irish one did.... And then we seen jays goat and had another round..... Make LVE not war