Discussion in 'Strategy' started by igerpums, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. Ah. Does he have which ebs they drop from? Cuz I have no idea, My source only said the stats and description.
  2. Yes, except for NML and NQ.
  3. So the only one worth getting is the quick silver plate or the leonine plate.
  4. This guide sucks. It's rushed and sloppy.

    Summary: USELESS
  5. This would be a better guide if you listed to which eb the items correspond

  6. Congrats, you are a noob dearth
  7. Anyone knows which eb drops which item?
  8. I don't understand these. Are they permanent and how do u activate them?
  9. If you are going to do a "guide" and I use that term loosely for this effort, how about you put some time in and list from which EB's the items drop?
  10. LMAO! You guys know I made this BEFORE anyone had the items? XD you seen wulfs guide? You notice how I say "first" in my op? You notice how it's NOT a guide but a reference thread because the night they came out no one knew what the stats were except me? You think I'm trying to make a guide? No... Try reading the thread. No color, no pictures, no nothing accept me saying how I beat wulf (that was one of the main reasons for this thread) and then the stats. This IS NOT A GUIDE. I repeat, it was simply because people wanted to know the day they came out, so I offered them
    That infor before anyone else knew it. Now kindly gtfo my thread and think about what your saying before you post it.
  11. Found another item. ;)

    Nyan Windows provides -500 to spy defense, but +1000 to attack. :mrgreen:
  12. All these items make hansel builds a more viable option for those who don't invest ridiculous sums of cash in game 
  13. My mistake, I thought your second sentence in your original post read "I beat wulf or anyone else to a guide"

    Oh wait it did lmao

  14. Maybe he meant the word guide in a different way. Or he left out the word non on accident. I am the first to a non guide? 
  15. I have the hemet
  16. Helmet*
  17. Got my ring second eb, and hopves in my first. God these items make you look damn ugly.
  18. I got the hooves first try too. Wasnt hard, and i was barely active through it. I also agree, they look really lame.
  19. @OP Your exact first line:

    I beat wulf or anyone else to a guide!

    And you did use color three times for stat numbers.

    Just admit you failed and this is a fail "guide".