Ah. Does he have which ebs they drop from? Cuz I have no idea, My source only said the stats and description.
If you are going to do a "guide" and I use that term loosely for this effort, how about you put some time in and list from which EB's the items drop?
LMAO! You guys know I made this BEFORE anyone had the items? XD you seen wulfs guide? You notice how I say "first" in my op? You notice how it's NOT a guide but a reference thread because the night they came out no one knew what the stats were except me? You think I'm trying to make a guide? No... Try reading the thread. No color, no pictures, no nothing accept me saying how I beat wulf (that was one of the main reasons for this thread) and then the stats. This IS NOT A GUIDE. I repeat, it was simply because people wanted to know the day they came out, so I offered them That infor before anyone else knew it. Now kindly gtfo my thread and think about what your saying before you post it.
All these items make hansel builds a more viable option for those who don't invest ridiculous sums of cash in game
My mistake, I thought your second sentence in your original post read "I beat wulf or anyone else to a guide" Oh wait it did lmao Fail
Maybe he meant the word guide in a different way. Or he left out the word non on accident. I am the first to a non guide?
I got the hooves first try too. Wasnt hard, and i was barely active through it. I also agree, they look really lame.
@OP Your exact first line: FIRST! I beat wulf or anyone else to a guide! And you did use color three times for stat numbers. Just admit you failed and this is a fail "guide".