All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. What's wrong with saying new age sucks?
  2. Nothing. Anyone can say whatever the hell they want to. It's just they tend to cry and complain when we hit them for it. If you're gonna say ****, then be ready to back it up.
  3. I'm just saying that in response to dragon fairy boy.
  4. Just because you do not have a life and are " a true loser in real life" doesn't mean we are dont compare yourself to us
  5. C'mon, lets roll✖
  6. Argoli you and your clan are rolling backwards
  7. You don't even know my clan why do you even reply
  8. OP why are your shoes hairy.
  9. Balto
    Wonder why u are allie and potless?, guess u like to play the game that way? We can do this cat and mouse with u a very long time, ask some farms we had two years, we still got many farms some we let them grow until we naked them with pots and allies over and over, it's a very fun game you should try it!
    Ps those players never learn I doubt you either!
    and hope u continue at least one year cos u make me laugh so much

    Alison hahaha you are even more fun than balto pls don't give up
    Your posts and trash talks always makes me remember when I also was a noob, and I trash talked with one iG member ( he don't know this still )
    sadly it's shows in your posts lack of intelligent and twitt humour  but keep trying even babies learn someday to crawl. I can change diaper on you any day cos u seems your mommy and daddy does a pore job.
    But hey everyone was born naked and potless in this game you just continue do so even if u get hands off bigger accounts.

    Ignoito you must be like Swabia alt haha buuutthurt long way
    I bet we naked your main a couple of times or forced u to reset that's why the secrecy of your two year old account. What u don't know is that I sooner or later I get hold of your main so one day u wakeup naked
    Other than that pls continue trolling actually amuse me, you are the one u am happy u are try trolling, u seem so familiar.

    Swabia Swabia Swabia you are one of my oldest enemies and as always I love u trash talk NA.
    if you would even be smart u would only trash talk me then it would only be me hitting and naked you but hey I naked you so many many times I even helped naked you with my banks and alts but u Been to stupid to figure out 1 1 is 2 ( it was a hint if u ss and saved all the times you got naked by different clans)
    I hope u saved a couple then u might find 1-2 banks of mine not even NA member knows off.

    To rest of you hates, I love you and will for sure see more of me and NA
    Thank you for existing 

    To families pls just self die and we make the game more fun again!
    Only fun families has is very limited fights, with other families or be sitting on one clan with 1000 players minimum  but hey they look strong and healthy to noobs
    So new players who join kaw think what a f boring game this is.
    Well not me who makes the call ATA does and they want EE and EB to kaws future, disaster however even me adapt to get shiny equip so I easier kill clans or noobs

    Kaw keep it up atm you suck my hairy shiny shoes!

    New Age
  10. Swabia naked and potless for lols....
  11. Support.

    Cept for the hairy shoes.

    You should get that looked at.
  12. I could only read a few pages of the nonsense replies before I got tired of reading so many "twit your a noob" posts. Multiples. Honestly.

    I know the grammar nazi party gets old, but really. If you're going to call someone out for their lack of intelligence, please use the correct form of "you're".

    This way, when you're calling someone else a twit, you might just sound credible.

    Your choice.**

    **all correct forms of "you're" and "your" used in this post were completely intentional
  13. Awww, how cute!! Look at the little guy. :roll:
  14. Twitt. As can be seen. I have 228 bil of crabby allies on my kingdom. The only kingdom I care about.

    My time zone is Melbourne.

    Come and get me. I really would welcome the event, if of course you and your, so far ineffectual members can?

    You drunken old fool.

  15. Maybe in 2009 when allies didn't cost real money, would you put $$$ or hours in BFA on the line and still have fun?
  16. Me too Alison, we should totally meet up and get coffee or something some time!