All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. #Brb gonna take a crap
  2. There's a thing called DTS. You should learn it's meaning. Why don't you get on one of your "many alts" and hit me? I would enjoy that :lol:
  3. Because let's say I made a genius decision to hide my alts and use them strategically to bring new age down maybe that's why
  4. LOL BALTO SHUT THE **** UP. UR A LIL KID WITH A BIG MOUTH AND NO COMMON SENSE. U JUST LOOKING FOR ATTENTION. ALL NA ignore his comments and see how fast the bugger goes and plays outside with the other kids. Fact; he's a kid. Don't put urself in a situation where u are sucked in to argue with juveniles. We are better than that. NEW AGE **** THE HATERS!
  5. Lol Twicc hun
  6. I may be a "kid" but I seem to have pissed you off your an easy target for troops and pay nice for a hansel the fact Is you can't handle me you can try to argue this but as you said you'd be argueing with a "kid" meaning it's pointless anyway I've known you couldn't handle me from day one your proving my point :twisted: answer me this do you like being outsmarted by a kid?
  7. Or are you to ignorant to realize you were?
  8. It's hard being correct all the time
  9. ^ Says the one that wrote the longest run-on sentence ever

  10. Says the loser @kamikaze
  11. well well well looks like ive accomplished everything that ive set out to do with this thread :twisted:

    oh and by the way.. **** new age! your entire "establishment' is a joke. disband already you worthless noobs.

    later assholes :lol: :twisted:
  12. Support @ incognito
  13. I don't know any OSW clan besides NA that would target Balto and place him on clan info :lol:
  14. There's a reason devil :) I'm proud of that reason
  15. Stay on topic or gtho.

    Respect to New Age.
  16. Drgn :( viva la revolution
  17. @swabia... Sigh... You were deemed as "boring as ****". Rarely hit back. Was like ******* a corpse. Just no fun. But that's your new MO nowadays right? Mouth off.. Get hit, play dead...
  18. Lol incognito or whatever. We're the joke but u made an account just to post here? Haha. Where do u people get the logic for ur reasoning? We may never know. No wonder y'all live in this game. Real life prob scares the **** out u morons. I bet u all have no friends? Lol. True rl losers I'm sure. Go out and catch a movie or something.
  19. Find a nice girl and get a life. Stop being pathetic and get out in the world instead of thinking ur accomplishing something important here.