All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Put your **** where your mouth is Tvorez
  2. i dont remember ever adressing you nor was my post directed at you you insignificant pile of horse dung. mister 'the whole world revolves around me' :roll:. crawl back into your hole... i am not statless, in order to be "statless" i would have to destroy all buildings... 0attack, 0defense, 0spy attack, 0spy defence= statless you moron :roll:
    your lame statement is invalid...... :roll:
  3. You call people who do EE wars and EBs noob amateurs yet you have lots of equipment from both of those. How many ebs do you hit everyday? Don't be so pretentious.
  4. Do you have any buildings built? No, ehich makes you statless. Your arguement is invalid
  5. My argument is valid. Keep scouting me noobs.
  6. Lil potty mouth gh. U might as well be statless
  7. It's called zeroing your spies. Maybe you should take a lesson from this :lol:
  8. Lol. But i'm not an alt, unlike this other guy :roll:
  9. Its funny but my spies are zeroed. But u idiots just keep scouting :s
  10. I have to give you a credit for standing up for your boozie clanmate. But scouting me 8 times in last two minutes is unnecessary. I dont even have spies left.
  11. @Tvorez he's testing your regen. He's obviously more experienced than you. Lol
  12. We're making sure you stay there ;)

    You really should ask someone how being a clan farm works :lol:
  13. i have 2 tier 1 buldings built :D
    i win this argument :roll: :mrgreen:
  14. I am going to regen in 1:45sec from now. Enjoy. Will save u trouble
  15. Oh and i am going sleep now. So u can strip my mp inactive allies whenever. Gnite noobs;)
  16. From what? Tutorial? Because that totally counts :roll:
  17. (sighs) i guess that was directed at me :roll:
    ahh details, details :roll: :roll: :roll:
  18. They're what wins an arguement ;)