All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. @devil Pup ISN'T a pure spy, try again.
    And by idevice I meant anything other than a PC. I use it as a generic term.
  2. Well isn't everyone on their period today 
  3. Lmao @ Alison. You got turrets syndrome or what ?

    Twicc * tick * noob. New *tick* Age is handing noob *Tick* noob my ass *tick* to me noob. I'm * tick * naked noob. and butthurt noob. *tick*.
    Apologies to
    Where's all the confident blustering you do when you attack EB clans and little newbs/noobs ? As a matter of fact where's your forum followers ? Gone ain't they since you've been exposed as nothing more than a mouthy wanna be forum fighter.

    Do yourself a favor and spend some money on schooling. Get some vocabulary lessons. Maybe then you can learn a few more words and not need to use " Noob " 4 times in each sentence.
  4.  Caution: You have been Pwn'd by Tornado 
  5. The fun for some people in KaW is not huge gold profit, nor mith but noob tears. It's one of the best ways to make KaW fun. Some people just have been so busy trying to fix KaW, they can't try something new and hit of walls, BL or forums.
  6. Suck your hairy shiny shoes? Hairy and shiny?

    How can that ever be posted by someone sober?

    Snr 
  7. You are definitely a pure spy. It is close enough, anyway. One building, even one stable, is the difference between you and a spy. The reputation portion of my post is because many times, it is a non-forumer who is posting.
  8. @Devil - Castle stats are 60,000. He/she has a COE.
  9. You really think I didn't know that? ^
  10. Then why are you calling him/her a pure spy???
    154,744 - 60,000 = 94,744
    Learn addition.
  11. Clans like NA, Inter Mass and LSA Elite is the only clan's that can be considered 'badass' for standing alone all the times they were offered a chance to be in a big alliance.

    But, that's my opinion.
  12. I knew that too. A hansel is one building away from being a spy. The difference is that hansels pin their troops.
  13. So why did you say it?
  14. Tornado. You Twitts little ally and fanboy.

    I remember when you were a try hard so long ago. Trying so hard tornado. Keep trying. Seems the best you can do is live in Twitts shadow. How droll.
  15. Why did I say it? Because spies are similar to hansels... Hansels are spy-heavy, most of their actions in pvp are spy actions.

    Therefore they are spies with a couple troops.
  16. Lol knight of twisted stihl. YAFI is farm more superior than an of those three clans you listed. It isnt even close. Good one though 
  17. Haven't heard of Yafi in a while.. I retake my comment. Yafi is the most badass clan out there in KaW.
  18. Twicc your a twit.You have no idea how fun it is to be in a big alliance.You obviously never been in a huge OSW like me,and this is where it's at.Your just butthurt cause you probably got turned down from every big clan family.Did the thought that maybe clans have to many members and want their people to still be in a clan of theirs cross your peanut sized mind???Honestly if you want KAW to stand alone your going to have to destroy every clan family/alliance out there....good luck with that.

    TL/DR OP is a butthurt noob who hates clans that have more than 1 clan in their family.
  19. Tha **** you jus say about my mom??
  20. @ Pup,I agree with your statement,but I think it would be a good fight to see yafi vs Inter-Mass:3