All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. @"pup devil" or should i say ankle biter...:roll:
    "post with a main?" i fail to see the logic behind this...Why would i risk what it took me over 2 years to built be destroyed in a matter of days by some inbred butthurt retards? hmm? now shoo shoo boy.. better yet go fetch :lol:
  2. @Statless alt, the extent of your hypocrisy is self-evident.
    Do us all a favor and toss your idevice off a bridge.
  3. When ebs/equip are introduced war clans HAVE to eb and get the stats/equip to be able to compete. Its how the system works. What I believe op meant in regards to eb clans, is that eb'ing is the game for them. War clans eb to war, eb clans eb to eb. Its crazy to call out pvp players for having equip and stats, because common sense dictates why thats the case. Why are you guys so sensitive about it anyway? Im an eb hero, its how I like the game. Doesnt mean someone else's opinion of eb'ers means anything to me. Probably has more to do with when I started playing.
  4. Respect to Twicc and New Age 
  5. You are courageous enough to publicly insult a clan who plays PvP yet are to afraid to do so on a credible account. I fail to see the logic in that. I hope your main is trackable
  6. was that supposed to be an attempt at an insult? my! How original you are! :roll:
    i would never own an idevice :?
  7. Lol @statless alt. No balls to post with a main?
  8. Your a noob twitt. You carry on about players joining big families because they can't fight 1 vs 2 etc. noobs

    You clan can't fight any other clan. You can only fight individual players. Noob

    You've lost your last 13 system wars in a row. Must have been bad match up's hey? Noob

    You've not been able to fight any other clan only individual players. Noob

    You come to forum whining like the drunk you are.

  9. When you play smart, you become powerful.
  10. Then I hope they IP ban you for having multiple PC accounts...
    You do realize that's against the TOU?
  11. get your head out of op's behind. you're wedged really deep in there :roll: here's a tissue to wipe the brown off your nose :lol: :cry:
  12. He can play on android and still not violate ToS just because he didn't own an idevice
  13. Haha yeah because my first post obviously is brown nosing  I just don't like statless alts with no balls to use a hittable account nor do I like the purpose of this thread. You are a jackass.
  14. um was that directed at me? i only own two accounts. a main on my android and this account on my pc. 1 account on pc is well within the bounds of the t.o.u... try again nerd :roll:
  15. boohoo cry me a river :lol:
  16. The reason you use a statless alt is because

    1: Many strong clans don't let their members post forums during war
    2: You won't get targeted by third parties if you post with an alt
    3: You aren't putting your reputation on the line.

    I see that posting with an alt is smart for people to do if the situation is right. Pup, you are a pure spy, so it's practically the same as of you were posting with an alt because you don't have much to lose if your clan doesn't mind you trash talking.
  17. Why do you have to put your reputation on the line? He didnt come on forums to prove he was a badass. :lol:
  18. Devil your post is of 100% stupidity. I'm definitely not a pure spy on any of my accounts lol.
  19. finally a voice of reason! :mrgreen:
    there is a god :cool:
  20. Rofl at incognito, 2 years building your main, now you're too scared to use in case you lose some virtual gold.

    I think you're kinda missing the point....

    Alison. Lol! Still butthurt that you found an opponent you can't bully. Keep it up sweetheart...your noob comment shows how much you understand of this game. Btw, I'm still waiting.... Another fail from your know what I'm talking about...