All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. OP, how are your shoes hairy and shiny at the same time?
  2. Lmao @ Alison nerd rage.
    You sound like a broken record. Why not make a thread like you do when your looking for forum fans after farming little noobs like yourself ? I'd love to see the latest installment of the joke you think your game is.
    You claim to know so much about me yet everything you post is a failed attempt at justifying your own failure.
    Please enlighten me on what I have or have not accomplished in the 3 years I've played.
    Your own KaW career is quite easy. Your on the other hand have done nothing but farm tiny accounts and toot your own horn. That is except for having balto another epic KaW fail lips stick to your ass.
    You ran into a group of players that you can't bully or intimidate and now you don't know how to escape. Instead you hide behind a pure spy and a tiny acct to small for most to hit without wasting time getting on there alt to hit you.
    Grow do something but farm helpless noobs. Then come find me untill then I'll be waiting laughing and watching your fails and forum rages.
  3. @ stateless alchemist and all the other clowns hiding behind similar accts.
    man up. Post with your mains. By creating a acct just to post a thread about as chicken **** as it comes.
    I hope the devs start looking into the ip addys of these accts and start hitting with the ban hammer.
  4. @ light breeze. I run into players everyday I can't bully or intimidate. Noob age are just another group of people to fight and trash talk with.

    It's morons like you that can't differentiate between the fun of trash talk and the fun of fighting.

    You really should quit. I'm not being rude, but you sound like you are standing on a soap box. You really are quite pathetic.

    Twitt is funny. Mongo is funny. Idiots like you are just plain sad.
  5. Alison I'm happy to see you took my advice and got some vocabulary lessons and learned a few words besides noob. Seems you have that turrets under control as well. . Bravo. Now let's see if the doc can give you something from these continuing delusions and fantasies you have that your something other than a failed player that ran afoul of a superior group of people.
  6. -Whiny Alison hahahaha

    @ alchemist lets hope an good clan hopefully your main account clan will attack us, I dare you little nobody account.

    I be waiting for your main on inc in my news, I hope you hit me. But as always you will and always be a real chicken behind an alt

    Good luck in kaw you can't be a warrior at all, wonder what you are RL

    Frog spout? Haha
  7. TWICC WE ARE FAMILY and Congrat you soon to be a daddy  Cheers wish you the best Brother
  8. @tornado . Can you please name all my big accounts you claimed noob age destroyed as you said earlier? I'm calling you out as a liar and most of all a  talker.
  9. Alison you really are dumb as a fence post ain't you ? You're as insignificant as your assistant mouthpiece balto. I shouldn't need to explain the reasons again. There's multiple posts from multiple players saying the same things about you and your fail.
    I seem to have hit a nerve. The truth has that effect on a lot of people. Please keep up the denial and nerd rage. I bet your past victims that couldn't defend themselves are just rolling with laughter watching you flop around like a fish out of water. Keep it up. You almost graduated from fail to muppet.