All families can suck my hairy shiny shoes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. All you guys say has been said about me months ago when I started it does nothing just like your strips that I caught and banked
  2. Now that being said I hope you can enjoy life without kaw cause I will make you quit ;) that's the truth no denying it its only a matter of how long you hold out perhaps ill take pity on you as you only have a first grade education but I probably won't the reality of it is you brought this on yourself that's all there is to it so enjoy (while you can) I function without ally's one of these days I'll slip an alt into my ally's and reset him on you :) it's fun to do that
  3. Why is it 3clans against 1?
  4. It 1 clan vs one you fucktard
  5. Hmmmm
  6. Lmfao Killer.

    You were boring, I got almost no inc from you. The only inc i get is cam3doodle. Which is just fine with me, since i fill his newsfeed everytime i see him in mine.
  7. The only news i get from you(kamiaze) is fail spies
  8. Shaun, get your facts right
  9. It's called pot burning. And that's bs, i've pinned you twice in 30 mins ;)
  10. Kami, you're just acting like a wannabe
  11. @little guild hansel come noodle. It's hard find someone small enough to hit you to begin with. Want more inc ? Stop self pinning on EB.
    I find it hilarious that since we started beating down your clan because of your mouth. There have been no reports of inc from YOU.
    Keep hitting your EB wile your clanmates take fire.  your quite the asset to your clan.
  12. So, wait. I'm confused. Are you're shoes really hairy and shiny? Or are you're toes hairy in you're shiny shoes? Or perhaps you really do have hairy shoes, with shiny toes?

    Just looking for some clarification on this before I offer my input on this excellent topic.
  13. @ Alison. Get a life preserver. Your drowning in a sea of butthurt. Your insignificant. Your larger accts destroyed rolled up into pure spy. And as iko said. Your Guild Hansel is to small for 99% of NA to hit. Unlike you the majority of NA have other things in life to do besides having 24/7 access to a puny alt that's able to hit you.
    You've been exposed for the fail you are. Reset drop your build disappear for a few months. Comeback using a dif name so you can go back to terrorizing noobs like yourself. Maybe net time you'll stay off NA's radar.
  14. Get your math right. 99%? Wrong math
  15. I find it amusing how this thread is hating families, yet there are 3clans against 1.
  16. @ Balto. Your a naked potless farm nothing more. All you have left is forum to run your mouth on. NA destroyed you.
  17. Noodle lmao. Stop crying your being hit by New Age. We have members spread out over many clans. It's not the clans that hit you, ya dork it's the members of New Age ? Understand now ? If not get somebody with the ability to read and reason to explain it further.
    Talk **** get hit. End of story
  18. @ tornado. Thanks for the rant. What larger accounts are you referring to that you think were destroyed, as you say ? Do tell .

    I don't have larger accounts. Noob age fail stripped me 700 bil and I converted a guild hansel to this. That's it.

    As per usual. You as Twitts ally and biggest fanboy. Come into a thread and speak as if you are an authority on the machinations of all things kaw. In reality. You're a nobody / neverwas. Pointless noob.

    You should just quit kaw full stop. You just couldn't quite make anything of yourself that didn't rely on you hanging off others.

    Sorry. You just don't rate. And don't matter,
    But thank you anyway for trying :)

    You should change your name to light_breeze
  19. Twicc talking big as always.

    Last time when NA tried to act like badasses and started farming random people from wc, they picked the wrong guy lol.

    That guy turned out to be a protake member and as soon as NA realized this, they started ******* their pants. NA tried to make excuse such as "we're allies" or "we won't hit back." But protake was going to kick their asses anyway.

    You made this thread again, all i can say is you might get your asses kicked again by better funded and better organized clans. So be careful